
Speakers emphasize compliance with environmental regulations for sustainable economic growth

“The textile and leather sectors, being the largest contributors to Pakistan’s economy, are striving to comply with international environmental standards to remain competitive in the international market,” this was shared by speakers during a press briefing session organized by WWF-Pakistan under the International Labour and Environmental Standards Application in Pakistan’s Small Business (ILES) project at a local hotel in Karachi. The 8-year project (2017-2024) supported by the European Union (EU) is being implemented in Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Sialkot, Hub and industrial areas in KPK. The objective of this project is to support enforcement, implementation and compliance with international labour and environmental standards by the public and private sectors in Pakistan.

Briefing the media, Mehak Sikander, Freshwater Program Coordinator, WWF-Pakistan said that Pakistan’s textile and leather sectors are the largest export earning sectors in Pakistan. However, these sectors face significant business challenges due to compliance issues, raw material availability and international market competition. She informed that this project has developed the capacity of relevant departments to effectively enforce environmental regulations and standards in Pakistan. The project also aimed to promote resource-efficient and cleaner production practices in the textile and leather sector. Sikander said the ILES project supported more than 50 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in adopting smart environmental management practices, which helped save 1.54 million cubic meters of water and 130 million kilowatt hours of energy annually, save 37,462 tons of chemicals and eliminate 37 483 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. These initiatives have resulted in savings of R530 million per year.

To train and build capacity of public sector institutions and enterprises, the project conducted over 62 workshops in various cities in Pakistan. This workshop aimed to improve reporting mechanisms for multilateral environmental agreements, the Sustainable Development Goals and international environmental regulations and standards. In addition, the project also produced six documentaries on resource conservation in the textile and leather sectors. The project also supported the development of a cleaner production policy for the Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)

Speaking on the occasion, Imran Sabir, Director, SEPA, said that the agency is monitoring environmental compliance in the textile and leather industry in Sindh. With the support of WWF-Pakistan, the agency plans to launch an online portal to digitize environmental monitoring and assessment mechanisms in the province. He said that for the first time, an initiative was taken to digitize environmental monitoring data. He further stated that environmental degradation must be addressed as it leads to climate change and environmental challenges for the country. “We are committed to supporting environmentally friendly initiatives that promote sustainable development in Pakistan,” he added.

Irfan Ansari, General Manager of Sustainability and Utilities at Al-Rahim Textile Industries, stated that it is important to save water and reduce carbon emissions 6. Ensure wastewater treatment for sustainable industrial development in Pakistan.