
AWS Marketplace: Cloud Xceleration+ Program (CXP+)

According to a white paper from International Data Corporation (IDC), customers who migrated to AWS experienced a 51% reduction in operational costs, a 62% increase in IT infrastructure staff productivity, and a 94% reduction in unplanned downtime. These numbers strongly highlight the benefits of moving to the AWS cloud. However, migrating to the AWS cloud on your own can be challenging for organizations for many reasons, such as the complexity of the migration and the technical knowledge required. Cloud Xceleration Program+ (CXP+) addresses this challenge by providing a set of essential services, including:

  • Cloud Maturity Assessment (CMA): Our cloud experts will analyze a customer’s AWS Cloud Readiness Assessment (CRA) score, map it to our customized Cloud Maturity Model (CMM), and provide key recommendations based on the customer’s organization’s position in the CMM.
  • Cloud Migration Roadmap (CMR): Gain in-depth knowledge of your existing system to prioritize migrations, streamline timelines, and select the most appropriate migration strategy for each application.
  • Pilot Migration: Migrate a subset of your system for a controlled transition to the cloud, ensuring thorough testing, verifying cloud application performance, and identifying previously unforeseen challenges. This approach also provides valuable information and builds confidence before the final migration of the remaining applications.
  • Landing Zone Consulting, Design, and Configuration: Build a secure and scalable foundation for your transition to the cloud with carefully crafted landing zone solutions.

Although it is possible to purchase the above services separately, purchasing them as a bundle in the form of CXP+ allows for significant cost savings.