
France, Norway, UK: Which countries are leading the floating offshore wind race?

Countries are developing technology to generate wind energy at even greater depths.


Offshore wind has become a mainstay of renewable energy production. However, until now it has been largely confined to shallow waters, limiting the number of countries that can benefit from it.

That may change soon thanks to floating winds. The technology involves a turbine mounted on a floating substructure and anchored to the seabed using chains.

This means it can be used in seas up to 300 metres deep and deeper than a more traditional mounting system. turbines on the seabed, which becomes uneconomic at depths exceeding 60 meters.

Because it enables wind energy production in deeper waters, the technology is expected to introduce wind energy to new markets, including: Mediterranean Seaand we hope that the service will be fully commercial by the end of this decade.

“Floating offshore wind is a key player in the fight against climate change“- says Lorenzo Palombi, global director of trade and project finance at the German energy company BayWa

“Its unique ability to enter markets incompatible with fixed-base technologies and unlock areas with greater wind potential makes it a key solution.”

Which countries have the most variable winds?

According to data, Europe is currently leading the way in floating wind turbines.numbers from the World Wind Energy Council.

The region lost its title as the world’s largest offshore wind market in 2022, with the United States and China overtaking it in new investment. However, it still ranks first in the floating category, accounting for 79% of new developments last year.

In total, it boasts a capacity of 208 megawatts, which is 88 percent of the world’s installations. Most of this amount comes from small demonstration projects, but countries are starting to consider scaling up production to commercial levels.

France is on track to develop the world’s first commercial floating wind farm. The Pennavel project will be built off the coast of Brittany and is expected to be operational by 2031. It is expected to produce 250 megawatts – enough to provide energy for 450,000 people a year.

Meanwhile, Great Britain aims to achieve five gigawatts of production by 2030 and is moving forward with government support for projects. The eyes are also turned Norwaywhich already has demo projects as well Ireland and Mediterranean countries.

On the other side of the world, Asian countries are also considering floating wind. In October 2023, the Japanese government announced four candidate areas for demonstration projects, and Marubeni Offshore Wind Development Corporation recently announced a demonstration project involving two turbines in waters about 400 meters deep.

South Korea also has big potential and is developing one of the largest floating wind farms to date when it is completed in 2028. The country is also seeing positive developments in manufacturing and port investment, says Rebecca Williams of the Global Wind Energy Council.

“I think we’re seeing some Asian countries giving Europe a run for its money,” he says.

“We believe there is a lot of scope for cooperation on floating wind, and particularly on floating wind supply chains,” he adds, pointing to opportunities between Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Australia.

Are floating offshore wind farms good news for coastal communities?

The development of floating wind power will not only enable the production of green, local energy, but can also help revitalize coastal communities. For example, the Pennavel Project has committed to using “local content” to increase the number of jobs in the region. It is also spending €5 million on economic development in the area, including cultural activities, events and training courses.

Floating wind can also help increase investment ports. They are needed for all offshore wind projects, but are particularly important for floating projects as most construction work takes place inside the port to avoid weather effects.

“If we compare it with a fixed-bottom project, we can roughly say that 80 percent of the project is directly offshore. If we talk about floating wind, it’s the other way around. 80 percent is inside the port,” says Thomas Deize of Port-La-Nouvelle, a French port built specifically for projects like floating wind.


The port wants to cash in on France’s development ambitions wind power in the Mediterranean, as well as the ambitions of neighbouring countries such as Spain and Italy, which will need floating technology due to the depth of the sea.

Port-La-Nouvelle is a rare case of a port dedicated to floating wind. Many places will need to introduce port modernization programs to increase the space available to carry out projects and align them with supply chains, which presents both a challenge and an opportunity, Williams says.

“Experience with fixed-bottom winds in Europe shows that ports can actually support the local development of local coastal communities,” he explains.

One example may be in the UK. Speaking at a port in North Wales in March, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer announced that the party’s plan state-owned energy companyGB Energy will finance the construction of a floating wind farm. He highlighted Wales’ potential and said the party wanted to unlock billions in private investment to supercharge jobs.

“I think Labor recognizes the social and economic value of energy from floating offshore wind, because especially in the south Wales “There are post-industrial cities, neglected port cities that really need revitalization and investment,” says Chris Rosslowe of the energy think tank Ember.


“You can invest in these ports. You provide social benefits and Job offers to these towns in south Wales. This may also have something to do with the steel industry – which is obviously full of uncertainty in south Wales at the moment,” he adds.

Governments must support floating wind farms

In addition to physical infrastructure such as ports and network connectionsfloating wind also needs certainty from governments. One reason the UK is seen as a strong candidate is that it has made its ambitions and support for the projects clear.

“It really helps investors focus on where the UK is going, have clarity on future developments and then put money into it,” Williams says.

Governments also need to consider how the current economic difficulties are affecting projects, as inflation and other market dynamics increase project costs, BayWa says

For this reason, the Global Wind Energy Council has revised down some of its forecasts, but Williams expects economic growth to be strong once the sector overcomes the headwinds.


He believes that harnessing the potential of floating wind turbines is key to both helping the world achieve its goal of triple renewable energy sources and providing opportunities for industry, communities and the local economy.

“It’s about seizing the opportunity and being at the forefront before you become a recipient of technology or the energy transition. Instead, think about how you can be part of an opportunity-focused growth story where you can build a new economic model for your country or market,” Williams says.