
Sophie Larsen and Chris Jarrett


In July 2020, Sophie and Chris launched Lårs Labels, an online retail platform based on ethics, style and design. With incredible resilience and determination, they managed to do so despite the global pandemic.

Together with Sophie, a former retail buyer, and Chris, an award-winning creative director in design and visual arts, they combined their skills and passions to bring beautiful design, aesthetics and creativity to their store.

Inspired by sustainable ways of living, authenticity and transparency and how to incorporate this into their personal and professional lives, both founders wanted to challenge the incredible amount of greenwashing and lack of transparency in the industry.

Lårs Labels is a retail space that provides learning, education and creative inspiration. Sophie and Chris want to tell the stories of brands, news and how everyone can make small changes in their lives. As they say, and rightly so, it’s not about one person doing everything right, but about many people making small changes.

Sophie and Chris advocate a purchasing-first approach, understanding the materials and ingredients an item is made from, who made it, and the process it goes through from design to delivery.

Watch a short video about Sophie and Chris to get to know them a little better…