
Part of the state budget secures resources to combat climate change

Part of the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy budget includes money earmarked for areas including supporting local water infrastructure projects

Replacing lead water lines, deploying electric vehicle chargers and making communities more resilient to climate change are just a few of the priorities outlined in Michigan’s fiscal year (FY) 2025 budget. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) portion of the budget includes $1.04 billion and 1,652 full-time equivalent employees. The budget leverages state resources and funds from President Biden’s Investing in America program, including the Inflation Relief Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act (BIL).

These resources support our efforts to make Michigan the best place to live, work and play by protecting public health, protecting Michigan’s world-class natural resources and strengthening Michigan communities.

“We are grateful to Governor Whitmer and the Legislature for passing a budget that will protect our land, air and water resources and support our efforts to combat climate change,” said EGLE Director Phil Roos. “This budget gives us the opportunity to make a difference in our communities today and create lasting, positive impacts for tomorrow. Whether it’s installing electric vehicle chargers, improving access to renewable energy, replacing lead service lines or modernizing Michigan’s water infrastructure, this budget allows us to make a significant impact in the communities that need it most.”

More than half of EGLE’s $1.04 billion budget will go to Michigan’s cities, towns, villages and other local governments that are on the front lines of protecting residents and our natural resources. The department has committed to, and strives to exceed, the requirements of Justice 40, a federal initiative that ensures that at least 40 percent of the overall benefits from specific climate conditions, clean energy, and other investments go to disadvantaged communities. .

EGLE’s 2025 budget invests in the following areas.

Rebuilding Infrastructure and Protecting Michigan’s Water Resources: Since 2019, the Whitmer-Gilchrist Administration has invested more than $4 billion in water infrastructure projects. Building on that progress, earlier this year, the Governor announced a $290 million expansion of her MI Clean Water Plan, using the remaining portion of the bipartisan, voter-approved 2002 Great Lakes Water Quality Protection Bond.

  • Collecting federal dollars for drinking water infrastructure. One-time General Fund (GF) of $35.3 million; $5 million continuous GF. Provides grants and loans to communities to help them replace lead service lines and other critical water infrastructure, such as water mains and pumps, while encouraging a “dig once” philosophy when modernizing water infrastructure. Ensures Michigan reduces every dollar available under BIL.
  • Supporting local water infrastructure projects. $25 million one-time GF. Provides grants to nine communities for critical water infrastructure upgrades such as main service line removal, water main replacement, wastewater and sanitary sewer projects, and more.
  • Reconstruction of drinking water and clean water infrastructure. $21.5 million current federal, $3.5 million current GF. Increases funding for State Revolving Funds that help communities modernize water infrastructure and address key public health issues such as lead and per- and polyfluoroalkyl contamination, sewage overflows, and more.
  • Implementing climate-resilient water infrastructure. $10 million one-time GF. Helps communities adapt and make their infrastructure more resilient to the impacts of climate change, such as flooding, by installing stormwater infrastructure.
  • Managing Our Waters from Source to Tap. $5.1 million one-time federal, $5.7 million one-time GF. Various programs to better manage our water resources and shorelines, research microplastics, expand tools to protect drinking water, and provide community support for critical local water infrastructure projects.

Progressing MI’s Healthy Climate Plan and leading on mobility. MI’s Healthy Climate Plan is Michigan’s roadmap to achieving economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2050, with interim benchmarks in 2025 and 2030. Its goals are to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis, create good-paying jobs and position Michigan as a leader in climate action and build a healthier, more prosperous, equitable and sustainable Michigan for all Michiganders.

  • Expanding Access to Rooftop and Community Solar. One-time federal funding of $156.2 million. Supports MI Solar for All, a program designed to lower the cost of rooftop and community solar for thousands of low-income and disadvantaged households across the state, saving eligible households 20% on their utility bills and providing additional significant benefits.
  • Expanding Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. $30 million one-time GF. Helps fill gaps in electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the state by supplementing federal funding, and supports the installation of chargers at multifamily homes and fleet parking lots to support the relocation of commercial fleets.
  • Launch of a hydrogen refueling station. A one-time federal amount of $22.3 million. Supports the construction of hydrogen refueling stations for trucks.
  • Diverting Waste from Landfills and Increasing Recycling. A one-time $5 million GF. Provides grants to communities for waste diversion programs, including circular economy initiatives, composting and recycling.
  • Plugging Wells and Reducing Methane Emissions. One-time federal funding of $5 million. Supports plugging marginal conventional wells, protecting water resources from contamination and reducing methane emissions.
  • Increasing our efforts to mitigate climate pollution. 4.6 million one-time federal dollars, 3 million dollars one-time GF. Various programs to improve air quality monitoring, reduce diesel emissions, support agricultural businesses in their efforts to become more sustainable, develop and implement a Class VI well program. It also includes support for the development of a solar grid serving the community in the city of Grand Rapids.

Implementing new regulations to protect Michiganders’ health from harmful asbestos exposure. The budget includes an ongoing $2 million investment to increase EGLE inspections during demolitions of buildings that may contain asbestos.

Investing in Team EGLE, improving transparency, protecting public health and strengthening environmental protection. The budget includes investments to hire staff to support grantmaking and regulatory programs in this year’s budget, enhance modernized records management across the department, and implement the Filter First program, ensuring thousands of schools and child care centers have access to clean drinking water for children from Michigan.

For more information about the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, click here.
