
Regulations on blowing grass clippings onto the roadway

NEWSPAPER STAFF REPORT – In the State of Ohio, the law regarding the placing of injurious materials on highways is set forth in Ohio Revised Code 4511.74. This law prohibits the placing or dumping of any material which may damage or injure any person, vehicle, or animal traveling along or in any highway, lane, road, street, or alley, except substances placed in the highway by the proper authorities for repair or construction purposes.

It is important to note, however, that while this law covers harmful materials, it does not explicitly mention grass clippings. According to Sheriff Roy Miller of Fulton County, Ohio, Ohio Revised Code 4511.74 does not explicitly mention grass clippings. He explained that while state law does not prohibit blowing grass clippings onto the street, municipalities and villages may have their own ordinances against the practice.

Sheriff Miller emphasized that the problem stems from potential civil liability for homeowners if accidents are caused by grass clippings on the road. He cited a case in which a lawsuit was filed against a homeowner for a motorcycle accident allegedly caused by grass clippings on the road. Therefore, although there may not be a conviction at the state level, homeowners should be aware of the potential civil liability associated with this practice.

Throwing grass clippings onto the road can create a hazard for motorcyclists, as grass clippings can reduce traction and make the road slippery. This poses a significant risk to motorcyclists, who are particularly vulnerable to loss of control or accidents caused by slippery surfaces. It is therefore important for homeowners to consider these potential hazards and take steps to prevent creating unsafe conditions for all road users, including motorcyclists.

While Ohio law does not specifically prohibit blowing grass clippings onto the street, homeowners should be aware of potential civil liability, local ordinances and the dangers such a practice can pose to all road users, especially motorcyclists.