
Cyclowax Nex Gen is an automatic hot chain waxing machine

Making its Tour de France debut on the Lidl-Trek stand, the upcoming Cyclowax Nex Gen makes waxing hot melt chains cleaner and easier. Designed for mass-market applications (such as Pro Tour teams, but also shops looking to add a valuable service), it applies hot wax directly to the chain while it is still on the bike.

Cyclowax NEX GEN automatic chain waxing machine using hot melting.

Full technical details, pricing and availability will be announced later this year, but the gist is this: mount a clean chain to your bike, set it on the Nex Gen machine, which will slowly pull it through and apply melted wax to the chain.

It pulls the chain back, essentially backing the bike up, and seems to fully support the bike while it does it. I’ve seen a few 4-second clips and it’s slow, but requires virtually no supervision, allowing you to do other things while it’s working.

The Cyclowax NEX GEN automatic hot wax chain waxing machine shown in the Lidl-Trek team box.The cyklowax nex gen automatic chain waxing machine shown in the Lidl-Trek team's pits.
It looks like Lidl-Trek might race a few stages with a 1x setup.

I first noticed Cyclowax at Sea Otter showing off their chain waxing starter kit, which is a more traditional hot waxing kit. Check it out if you can’t wait or just want something for home use.

The cyklowax nex gen automatic chain waxing machine shown in the Lidl-Trek team's pits.The cyklowax nex gen automatic chain waxing machine shown in the Lidl-Trek team's pits.

It’s not known whether the machine cleans and degreases the chain for you, so you may need to start with a clean chain the first time you use it. After that, waxed chains usually stay clean enough to just wipe down before re-applying (unless you use them very hard, so judge for yourself), so you can just throw your bike in there every few months for a good cleaning.

We’ll have more details as we get them. Check out the product’s promotional page at the link below.