
Sword Group: UK Acquisitions

Group makes strategic acquisitions of 2 companies in Scotland
IACS, a cybersecurity specialist based in Aberdeen
AAA, an Aberdeen-based company specializing in artificial intelligence

IACS is an Aberdeen-based micro-enterprise specializing in the digital security of industrial process control networks. It has developed expertise that is applicable to all sectors covered by Sword in cybersecurity to date.

The company’s revenue trend is EUR 2.9 million per year and the EBITDA margin is 20%.

Once IACS is integrated with Sword, the organic growth rate is targeted at 15% per year.

This company will be consolidated in the Group’s books with effect from 1 July 2024.

AAA, a recruitment and staffing company based in Aberdeen, Scotland, was partially sold on June 1, 2023. AAA restructured its offering around AI, using tools developed by Sword, and the group decided to acquire the company on April 2, 2024.

The company’s revenues amount to EUR 8 million per year and the EBITDA margin is 2%.

With the integration of Sword’s AI products, the EBITDA margin target for 2025 was increased to 9% and then to 12% in 2026.

These two acquisitions will accelerate our expansion in the areas of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

2024 Second Quarter Revenues
Financial meeting For First half of 2024

About the Sword Group

Sword has over 3,000 IT/digital specialists operating in over 50 countries who will accompany you as your organization grows in the digital age.

As a leader in technology and digital transformation, Sword has a strong reputation for managing complex IT and business projects.

Sword optimizes your processes and enriches your data.

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