
Alice Kuepper of Winning Group on the “strategic imperative” of sustainability

Inside Retail Top 50 People in E-Commerce is an annual ranking of the most impressive and inspiring leaders in the Australian e-commerce industry. Our 2024 report features senior executives with many years of leadership experience, as well as start-up founders and digital professionals with a wide range of skills from marketing to logistics. You can download it here. Over the past few months, we’ve been sharing detailed profiles of this year’s Top 10, including those

the person who took 6th place – Alice Kuepper, director of sustainable business and corporate social responsibility at Winning Group. Here, we talk to Alice about her career in retail and why she believes adopting sustainable business practices is a strategic imperative. Inside Retail: Your professional path is quite unconventional. How did you go from managing large industry events to working on sustainability in the e-commerce industry? Alice Kuepper: What I love about the e-commerce industry is that it’s full of stories of entrepreneurs changing their careers to solve a problem. My professional path is not much different – thanks to my exposure to the e-commerce industry, I have witnessed a noticeable lack of consideration for sustainability and social impact. My academic background in sociology has provided me with a solid understanding of social problems, the conditions in which society functions, and the role that organizations play in it. Over the years, my desire to apply my knowledge and pursue opportunities to solve social and environmental problems through businesses has grown. The certificate in sustainable business strategy gave me the credentials to do this. Having operated as an “intrapreneur” throughout my career, I have consistently taken the initiative to introduce new products or services and see things through to completion. This is exactly what sustainability in e-commerce requires today. We need all hands on deck and urgent action. John Winning recognized this and in 2020 I joined Winning Group to establish the company’s first sustainability strategy and function. IR: As Head of Sustainable Business at Winning Group, you are responsible for driving the company’s sustainability and social impact initiatives. Can you share some examples of projects you have led since joining the company? AK: Since joining Winning Group, I have led several impactful projects, including: Implementing a national packaging takeback and recycling program, addressing problematic materials such as Styrofoam and soft plastics, diverting an average of 80 percent of packaging from landfill. “Efficient Rows,” a digital feature in Appliances Online promoting water- and energy-efficient products, an industry-first initiative that can help customers reduce water and energy consumption. Establishing an ethical supply chain and responsible sourcing and publishing four Modern Slavery Statements from 2020. Developing partnerships on sustainability campaigns such as Green Friday, connecting Appliances Online with conscious consumers and contributing to our commercial success. Establishing a partnership with Good360 Australia and Dignity homelessness. Many of these initiatives are pioneering not only for our company, but also for our industry and have gained company recognition through feedback from customers, suppliers and teams, as well as sustainability awards. IR: Do you think your industry perspective has helped you in your current role? AK: An industry perspective plays a vital role in driving sustainable change at scale. Transforming our linear economy requires collaboration within and across sectors. We support collaboration through industry partnerships, joining forums such as Circular Australia, Greener for Business and the Australian Bedding Stewardship Council. IR: What has been your biggest professional highlight in the last 12 months? AK: The publication of the Group’s inaugural Sustainability Progress Report was a major achievement. This clear report outlines key steps towards achieving our 2025 goals, ensuring accountability, measurable progress, visibility and mitigating the risk of greenwashing. We have gained significant recognition for our sustainability initiatives, receiving numerous industry nominations and awards. IR: What key areas will you focus on over the next 12 months? AK: We will focus on the federal government’s upcoming mandatory reporting requirements for climate-related financial risks and opportunities. We will strive to accelerate our efforts to measure, manage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We will also continue to advance ongoing initiatives and contribute to driving progress in the industry through our participation in forums and associations. IR: What are the benefits of having someone committed to sustainability and social impact? How do you see this space evolving in the e-commerce industry over the coming years? AK: Adopting sustainable business practices is not only a moral obligation, but a strategic imperative for businesses to manage risk and thrive. My role provides companies with the confidence to meet ongoing legislative and customer requirements while creating long-term business value, moving beyond ad hoc initiatives and potential eco-crime risks through data and progress reporting.