
New guide from the Ministry of Economy to help design public policies

Muscat: On Monday, the Ministry of Economy held an introductory workshop on the guide for preparing public policies. Representatives from 46 institutions took part in the workshops.

The Public Policy Preparation Guide provides policymakers with a roadmap for developing public policies in Oman.

It includes the stages of preparation, analysis, implementation, review and evaluation of public policies. These steps are based on a professional reference that corresponds to the principles, methodologies, technical tools and frameworks necessary to ensure the reliability, applicability and effectiveness of public policies.

The guide is addressed to senior managers and public sector experts whose task is to develop and design policies, as well as to researchers, analysts, public policy pioneers and all people interested in the process of creating public policy.

Dr. Said Mohammed Al Saqri, Minister of Economy, stressed the importance of professionally developing public policies in a way that keeps pace with the rapid developments in the economic, social, political and security fields in countries around the world.

The general goal of government institutions (when developing public policies) is to improve the economy, improve performance, direct development efforts and achieve balance, sustainable development and optimization of resources and opportunities, explained the minister.

Specialists from the Ministry of Economy conducted a visual presentation during which they presented the premises for conducting public policy, as well as the most important features and methodologies for writing a public policy scenario, its approval cycle and models of the “program document”.