
What are the rules regarding property ownership?

Research team:

Pierre-Henri Bono
Maritime bourgeois
Guillaume Chapelle
Nordic Kireche
Patrick Le Galès
Kamil Urvoy
Etienne Wasmer

What are home ownership conditions in Europe and how have they evolved over the last 40 years? How can we explain the distribution of home occupancy patterns and the profile of homebuyers? What impact did the economic and political circumstances related to interest rates, the economic crisis of 2008 and, more broadly, the transformation in Eastern Europe have?

What is the economic dynamics and logic of real estate market entities in France and Europe?

The aim of the study conducted by LIEPP and the Urban School of Sciences Po is to draw lessons from the French case by understanding the positive and negative impacts of certain policies under LIEPP’s mission to evaluate public policies.

The research will be conducted until 2019 as part of a sponsorship agreement signed with Crédit Foncier de France.

Publications (in French):

Nordine KIRECHE, The dynamism of Grand Paris and its perspectives in architecture, December 2018.

Pierre-Henri BONO, Guillaume CHAPELLE, Camille URVOY, Urban planning and preliminary regulations, July 2018.

Marine BOURGEOIS, The Conditions of Access to Europe and Its Evolutions, February 2018.

Guillaume CHAPELLE, Qui sont les locataires qui peuvent devenir propriétaires grâce à la baisse des taux d’intérêt?, November 2017.

In media:

The article “Sciences Po et le Crédit Foncier révèlent à quiprofite la baisse des taux d’intérêt” (Sciences Po and Crédit Foncier reveal who benefits from falling interest rates) in: Business immo reporting of LIEPP study results