
Nvidia Could Face French Ban – Antitrust Charges Could Follow Government Raids on Nvidia’s Offices in France

France’s Competition Authority is expected to soon accuse Nvidia of anti-competitive business practices, according to sources obtained by Reuters. The accusations come nine months after the Competition Authority raided Nvidia’s French offices, and they will hinge on Nvidia’s complete dominance of the AI ​​computing space.

Nvidia, which recently became the world’s largest company by market capitalization (currently No. 3 at the time of writing), has climbed to this great peak thanks to the AI ​​boom. Fueled by the development of ChatGPT and other generative AI solutions for consumers and machine learning for enterprise applications, Nvidia has established itself as the one-stop shop for AI gold shovels, as its graphics cards are the best solution for high-level AI computing. Billion-dollar orders, such as Elon Musk’s purchase of 100,000 H100 GPUs, have become routine headlines for Nvidia.