
15 Awesome iPhone Shortcuts You Need to Try

iPhone Shortcuts

Increasing productivity and automating everyday tasks with iPhone shortcuts has become increasingly popular among users. With the latest advancements in iOS, creating and implementing these shortcuts is now more accessible than ever. The video below by Stephen Robles shows you 15 innovative iPhone shortcuts designed to streamline your daily tasks, saving you time and effort. These shortcuts cover a wide range of tasks, including automating NFC tags, creating alarms, sending text messages, organizing photos, and more. Each shortcut is explained in detail, with practical examples and step-by-step instructions to help you get started.

One of the most useful shortcuts is Creating a photo grid. This shortcut lets you easily combine multiple photos into a grid, giving you the option to choose between horizontal or vertical layout. Once you’ve created it, you can save the final grid directly to your camera roll, making it perfect for creating collages or sharing multiple images in a single frame. This shortcut is especially useful for those who frequently share photos on social media or want to keep their memories organized.

Another exciting shortcut is NFC Tag Automation. By scanning NFC tags, you can trigger various actions, such as controlling smart home scenes, adding items to reminders, or playing music. Simply place NFC tags in strategic locations, and with a simple tap on your phone, you can automate various tasks. This shortcut is perfect for those who want to streamline their daily routines and make their lives more efficient.

Battery life is a key aspect of using a smartphone, and Battery Status Notifications shortcut helps optimize your device’s battery life. Using third-party apps, you can set up notifications that will notify you when your phone is fully charged. You can also extend this functionality to other devices, such as iPads, ensuring that you never overcharge your devices and extending their battery life.

This Location-Based Low Power Mode shortcut is another great way to save battery life. This shortcut uses your current location to determine if you’re home and turns on low-power mode at a specific time. This can save battery life when you don’t need full performance, helping your device last longer throughout the day.

For podcast enthusiasts Downloading MP3 files from RSS feeds shortcut is a catalyst. This shortcut allows you to save podcast episodes directly to a specified folder, making it easy to organize and access your favorite podcasts offline. You can customize the folder location for your saved files, ensuring a neat and organized podcast library.

  • Email Screenshot Automation:Take screenshots of emails and save them to a specified folder, with the option to rename files to the current date.
  • Automatic messages for customers: Send automated text messages to customers using shared phone numbers, with the ability to customize the message content.
  • Checking and toggling VPN status:Check if your VPN is active and change its status using Toolbox Pro to get detailed information about your VPN activities.
  • Calendar-based reminders and alarms:Create reminders and alarms based on calendar events, for example by setting flags for business events.
  • Dog Photo Organization:Automatically add dog photos to a shared album using object recognition.

Other notable abbreviations include: Reading text messageswhich reads incoming text messages aloud at specified times, and Screen content for reminderswhich adds the current screen content to the reminder, working mainly in Safari for URLs. Creating alerts based on changes The shortcut creates alarms for work shifts based on calendar events and automatically removes alarms if no shift is scheduled.

In addition to the pre-designed shortcuts, this article also highlights Shortcuts on user requestshowcasing the creativity and innovation of the iPhone community. By encouraging users to submit content for future videos, we cultivate a community of shared knowledge and innovation, allowing users to learn from each other and discover new ways to optimize their iPhone experience.

Looking to the future, the article foresees new activities in iOS18which will likely expand the automation capabilities and make your iPhone even more powerful and versatile. As Apple continues to invest in developing shortcuts and automation features, users can expect even more exciting possibilities in the future.

In short, this comprehensive guide offers a wealth of practical solutions for everyday tasks, using the power of iPhone shortcuts to streamline and automate various activities. By integrating these shortcuts into your daily routine, you can significantly increase your productivity and simplify your life. Whether you’re a busy professional, a social media enthusiast, or someone who just wants to get the most out of their iPhone, these 15 awesome shortcuts are definitely worth trying.

Source and image credit: Stephen Robles

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