
Advancing Healthcare Monitoring with Wearable Ultrasound Technology

In a recent article published in the journal Natureresearchers from the United States of America have highlighted the potential of portable ultrasound technology to revolutionize healthcare by providing real-time monitoring of various physiological processes. Unlike traditional ultrasound devices used in hospitals, portable ultrasound devices offer continuous monitoring capabilities, making them suitable for high-risk patients, remote areas, and for the treatment of chronic diseases.

Test: Advancing Healthcare Monitoring with Wearable Ultrasound Technology. Photo source: Anton Starikov/


In healthcare, continuous monitoring and early detection of disease have become essential to improving patient care and outcomes. Traditional ultrasound devices, while effective in clinical settings, have limited ability to provide continuous monitoring outside of traditional healthcare settings.

The emergence of portable ultrasound technology is driven by the need for noninvasive, real-time monitoring solutions that can capture physiological signals from deep tissues in a convenient and user-centric manner. Unlike current portable devices that focus primarily on collecting data at the surface level, portable ultrasound devices offer the potential to delve deeper into the internal structures and dynamic processes of the body.

Studies highlighted in the review

The development of portable ultrasound technology involved a series of technical steps aimed at ensuring functionality, reliability, and ease of use. The process began with the design and manufacture of compact ultrasound probes that could be easily attached to the skin by bioadhesion. These probes were designed to emit high-frequency sound waves into the body and capture the reflected signals to generate real-time images of internal structures.

To address the challenge of maintaining a good acoustic interface for high-quality imaging, a specialized “couplant” layer made of a hydrogel-elastomer hybrid was developed. This layer served as a soft but strong, dehydration-resistant, and bioadhesive material to provide a solid and flexible connection between the ultrasound probe and the skin.

Ultrasound probes are integrated with miniature wireless control electronics to enable real-time data transmission to external devices such as smartphones or tablets. This wireless communication system is designed to handle massive streams of continuous imaging data, providing seamless monitoring of physiological signals from deep tissue.

Advanced AI algorithms have been implemented to enhance image clarity, filter out motion artifacts, and reduce false alarms during data analysis. These neural networks and generative AI models have been trained to accurately interpret ultrasound images and alert physicians or users to potential health issues, improving the accuracy of continuous monitoring.

In addition, efforts have been made to make the bioadhesive couplant adjustable to fine-tune the direction of the sound waves, ensuring precise imaging even as the user moves. This adjustment process initially required manual adjustment by clinicians to maintain proper probe orientation.

Results and discussion

The development of wearable ultrasound technology has yielded promising results in the advancement of healthcare monitoring and diagnostics. Compact ultrasound probes, integrated with miniature wireless control electronics and bioadhesive coupling layers, have demonstrated the ability to continuously image deep tissue in real time with high quality.

One of the key advances of this technology is its potential to enable early detection of conditions such as heart failure, abdominal aortic aneurysms and deep vein thrombosis. By offering continuous monitoring of high-risk patients and tracking fetal health throughout pregnancy, portable ultrasound devices have the potential to improve healthcare outcomes and patient management strategies.

Integrating advanced AI algorithms into the data analysis process has shown promising results in improving image clarity, reducing false alarms due to motion artifacts, and improving the accuracy of continuous monitoring. These AI-assisted systems have the potential to interpret diagnostic data more efficiently, alerting physicians or users to significant health issues that require further investigation.

Challenges such as improving the durability, flexibility, accuracy, and battery life of portable ultrasound devices have been solved by innovative solutions and technological advances. The development of fully integrated, wireless, and portable ultrasound systems represents a significant step toward realizing the full potential of this technology in personalized medicine and healthcare monitoring.

Collaboration between researchers, engineers, clinicians and regulators has been instrumental in driving the advancement of portable ultrasound technology. Establishing regulatory pathways for the safe and effective integration of these devices into clinical practice is critical to ensuring patient safety and efficacy.


Integrating portable ultrasound devices into everyday life has the potential to transform healthcare by enabling proactive health management and early detection of various conditions. Collaboration between researchers, engineers, clinicians and regulators is essential to overcome technical challenges, ensure data privacy and establish regulatory pathways for safe and effective integration of portable ultrasound devices into clinical practice. Ultimately, widespread adoption of portable ultrasound technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we monitor chronic disease and understand human biology at a systems level.

Journal Reference

Wang C. and Zhao X. (2024). See how your body works in real time—portable ultrasound is on the way. Nature 630, 817-819. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-024-02066-5,