
Fireworks regulations this week in Paradise Valley

Until July 6, fireworks will be legal to use on private property in Paradise Valley.

Fireworks may not be used between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m., except on July 4 and 5 until 1 a.m., as outlined in the Town Manager’s Weekly Update. For questions, call the fire marshal at 480-348-3552.

Please follow the following fireworks safety guidelines.

• Never let children play with or light fireworks, including sparklers. Sparklers burn at about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit—hot enough to melt some metals.
• Make sure fireworks are legal in your area. Only buy and light fireworks that are marked for consumer use.
• Never use fireworks while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

• Keep a bucket of water or garden hose handy in case of fire or other accident.

• Light fireworks one at a time, then quickly retreat.

• Never attempt to relight or operate faulty fireworks. Soak them in water and throw them away.

• Never place any part of your body directly above a firework device while lighting the fuse. Move away to a safe distance immediately after lighting the fireworks.

• Never point fireworks (including sparklers) at anyone or throw them.

• After fireworks have burned out, to prevent a garbage fire, pour water liberally over the burned device from a bucket or hose before throwing them away.

Additional information on fireworks safety can be found here: