
Water Saving Devices: Mayor Goode’s Letter to Prescott July 1, 2024

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Recently, following the completion of financial planning, a public hearing and workshops, the City Council approved new water and sewer rates that will go into effect July 1, 2024. These rates will gradually increase over the next five years to cover infrastructure operations and maintenance costs and provide funding to replace or upgrade aging water systems.

Prescott Municipal Utility, Water, Prescott Mayor Phil Goode, relief, Mayor Goode, City of Prescott, water conservation, Prescott City Council,

One way to save money on your water bill and conserve water is to install water-saving devices. The good news is that you can even get rebates for some of these devices!

Since 2006, the city has offered our water customers a discount program to encourage them to save water

There are many rebates available for homeowners and business owners who upgrade their appliances and equipment to high-efficiency models. Rebates are also available for reducing outdoor water usage, such as rainwater collection systems, sod removal, and smart irrigation timers. I would like to inform our customers about these rebates in the hope that more people will take advantage of the existing rebate program.

If you are planning to upgrade your home or business with new appliances and fixtures, you can benefit from efficient products such as low-flow toilets, ultra-efficient washing machines and rainwater collection systems.

These great environmental rebate opportunities are available to all Prescott water customers. Here are some examples of rebates

Discount on toilet

If you replace your toilet with a 1-gallon per flush or less model, you can get a $150 rebate. Install a 1.0/1.28 dual-flush toilet and get a $125 rebate. A 1.28-gallon per flush toilet qualifies for a $100 rebate. If you are a septic tank user, you will get an additional $50 for installing any of these high-efficiency models.

Rainwater tank discount

Customers who install a rainwater collection system can save money and reduce their municipal water usage. If you install an active rainwater collection system, you can receive a water savings rebate of between 50 cents and $1 per gallon of capacity, depending on the capacity of the system.

The maximum discount is $500.

Turf removal

Thinking about converting your irrigated grass to a low water/drought tolerant lawn? The City is offering a rebate of $1.00 per square foot of grass removed. For more information, contact the City’s Department of Public Works.

Smart Watering Timer

If you install a WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controller, you could receive a $75 rebate.

Hot water recirculation systems

If you install a hot water recirculation system, you could receive a $150 rebate.

Commercial urinals

The replacement fixture must be an EPA-approved alternative no-flush design, flushing once at specified intervals or 0.125 gallons per flush. You may receive a $100 rebate.

Discount on an ultra-efficient washing machine

If you upgrade to a very high-efficiency model from the Consortium of Energy Efficiency (CEE) list of washing machines, you can get $200 back on your utility bill. If you are a septic tank user, you can get an additional $50. Here is the link to the CEE list of washing machines:

These rebates are available to all Prescott water customers.

Be sure to keep all receipts and visit for rules and guidelines. For more information or questions, call City Public Works at 928-777-1130.

The city is doing its part to implement sound water policies so that we can manage growth and responsible water use for years to come. As citizens, we all need to conserve our precious water resources.

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