
Egypt Promotes Green Economy Through Clear Regulations, Incentives and Private Sector Engagement: Environment Minister

Yasmine Fouad, Egypt’s Minister of Environment, recently highlighted the country’s commitment to a green economy. Through well-defined legislation and incentives, Egypt aims to promote sustainable practices and engage the private sector. Here are the key points of her statement:

Egypt has introduced clear regulations to support the green economy. These include regulations on waste management, green hydrogen and alternatives to plastic. Tax exemptions further encourage private sector participation.

The government prioritizes environmental action, with strong support from political leaders. Educating citizens is a key aspect, emphasizing their role as partners in protecting the environment.

Minister Fouad outlined Egypt’s strategic approach:

    • Pollution reduction: Solving the problem of air, water, sea and soil pollution.
    • Sustainable use of resources: Responsible management of natural resources.
    • Global challenges: Tackling climate change and biodiversity challenges.
    • Favorable climate: Creating an enabling environment through authentic partnerships.

Egypt is actively engaging various sectors, including youth, women and the private sector. The National Climate Change Council, chaired by the prime minister, monitors the implementation of the climate strategy. Ideas from COP27 are contributing to projects such as renewable power plants and climate-resilient crops.

The Waste Management Regulation Law (2020) promotes the principles of a circular economy. The private sector plays a key role in managing infrastructure such as recycling plants and sanitary landfills. Cement factories are currently exploring alternative fuels, improving environmental perception and competitiveness.

Egypt’s active role extends beyond its borders. From Africa to COP27, it contributes to regional and international environmental agreements. Hosting the 24th Conference of the Parties to the Barcelona Convention in 2025 further underlines its commitment to sustainable development.

Fouad stressed the importance of cooperation between all sectors – agriculture, industry, research centers, youth and others – in the green economy and environment. All sectors are interconnected and subject to different environmental challenges. Therefore, investing in youth and human resources is essential. The state has focused on integrating the concepts of climate change and biodiversity into curricula from school to university, in order to change the social culture and create an informed generation capable of facing future environmental challenges and their effects.