
NextGov: Rural councils’ key requests for next government

In the run-up to this week’s general election, the future direction of rural policy is a key topic. Recently, our Chief Executive, Kerry Booth, wrote an insightful piece for LocalGov’s essay series, NextGov, focusing on what rural councils need from the next government. This series brings together the perspectives of a range of local government stakeholders, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities facing rural communities.

Here is the full text of Kerry’s article:

As the new Government prepares to take office, it is essential to recognise the unique challenges and untapped potential of rural communities across England. Rural Services Network (RSN) is the national advocate for rural services, committed to championing the rights, needs and potential of rural communities across England. We focus on highlighting key priorities which, if addressed, could deliver significant benefits not just for rural areas but for the whole country. Here are our key requests on behalf of rural councils.

1. Fairer financing of village councils

Rural councils face significant financial challenges compared to their urban counterparts. The RSN campaign, “Winning votes in the countrysidehighlights the need to change the funding formula to take into account the higher costs of providing services in sparsely populated areas. Despite having a larger population than Greater London, rural areas receive significantly less funding for essential services. City dwellers receive 36% more government purchasing power per person than rural dwellers. Ensuring fair funding is not just about equality for rural areas, but also about securing sustainable and effective public services for all.

2. Investments in digital infrastructure

Digital connectivity is the backbone of modern economies, yet many rural areas are lagging behind in broadband and mobile coverage. The next government must prioritise investment in digital infrastructure to close this gap. Improving connectivity will enable rural businesses to compete effectively, support remote working and improve access to online services. Around 53% of rural households in England do not have access to gigabit broadband and 55% do not have access to fibre broadband. A strong digital infrastructure can unlock economic potential and improve the quality of life in rural communities.

3. Affordable housing and sustainable development

The availability of affordable housing in rural areas is crucial to attracting and retaining residents, especially younger, working-class groups. Housing is less affordable in rural areas than in cities, and rural residents face high house prices and lower incomes. RSN calls for policies that support sustainable development, ensuring that new housing meets the needs of rural communities without compromising the environment. Affordable housing is crucial to maintaining local support networks and social connections and supporting the local economy.

4. Improving transport connections in rural areas

Transport connectivity remains a significant barrier for rural communities. Limited public transport options can lead to social isolation and limit access to employment, education and healthcare. RSN advocates for improved transport connections in rural areas, including investment in public transport, road maintenance and innovative solutions such as demand-responsive transport services. Improving connectivity is key to economic development and social inclusion.

5. Supporting rural economies

Rural areas have significant economic potential, particularly in sectors such as agriculture, tourism and green energy. Targeted support can stimulate growth in these sectors, including access to finance, business support services and investment in vocational training. When rural economies thrive, they contribute significantly to a country’s prosperity by creating jobs and supporting innovation.

6. Tackling inequalities in health and social care

Health and social care services in rural areas often face unique challenges, including workforce shortages linked to unaffordable housing and higher delivery costs. Rural residents face distinct healthcare challenges, including limited access to transport, greater distances to healthcare facilities and barriers to recruiting healthcare workers. RSN calls on the next government to implement policies that address these disparities, ensuring rural residents have access to high-quality health and social care.

7. Promoting policy alignment with rural principles

The concept of rural proofing ensures that the needs and circumstances of rural communities are taken into account in policy development. RSN Review of DEFRA’s Third Rural Security Report 2024 underlines the importance of this approach. It requires rigorous implementation and monitoring to ensure that policies do not inadvertently discriminate against rural areas. Rural proofing is essential to creating policies that are inclusive and effective across the country.

8. Net Zero Questions

Achieving net zero emissions is a key goal, and rural areas have a vital role to play in this transition. RSN advocates for policies that support rural areas to contribute to the net zero agenda, including investments in renewable energy projects, sustainable farming practices and green infrastructure.

9. Sustainability planning

Planning policies should recognise the needs of rural areas to ensure they can create thriving, sustainable communities, not only with the right homes in the right places, but also with the infrastructure and services that support them. Planning policies should facilitate the development of renewable energy sources and ensure that rural areas are not disproportionately affected by the costs of the transition to a low-carbon economy. Rural areas can be at the forefront of the net zero revolution, contributing significantly to national targets while reaping the economic benefits.

Kerry Booth, Chief Executive Officer, Rural Services Network

“The next Government has a key role to play in addressing the unique challenges and realising the enormous potential of rural areas. Fair funding is our overarching call to Government, ensuring rural councils can deliver the services their communities deserve. By focusing on fair funding for rural councils that underpins digital infrastructure, affordable housing, transport connectivity, economic support, health equity, rural security and sustainable planning, Government can support the flourishing of rural communities that contribute so much to the country’s prosperity. Addressing these key areas will enable rural areas not only to survive but to thrive, benefiting the whole nation.”

For those interested in a wider range of content, LocalGov’s ‘NextGov’ collection provides a range of insights into the future of local government. More information can be found here:

The Rural Services Network is committed to ensuring that rural voices are heard and their needs are met as we approach this crucial election week.