
NFL Sunday Ticket Trial Aftershocks

Most of the headlines surrounding the shocking verdict in the NFL Sunday Ticket federal antitrust class-action lawsuit have focused on the league’s $15 billion penalty. In reality, of course, that’s just the beginning. Sure, the league has already signaled it will appeal, which means that—barring a settlement—this case will likely be stuck in legal limbo for years. But last week’s verdict is also likely to have far-reaching effects and aftershocks, not just for the NFL, but for every league that has cut a media deal. I called my colleague Eric GardnerPuck’s resident legal expert, to discuss the long-term implications for the NFL, MLB, NCAA, YouTube TV, DirecTV, and much more.

“More Dire Consequences”

John Ourand: Let’s start with the litigation. Once lawyers see how this case went, I’m betting that a ton of new class-action lawsuits are about to be filed.