
Argentine Secretary of Energy Approves 15 MW MSU Green Energy Solar Park for Wholesale Market

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Argentine Energy Secretary Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo has authorized MSU Green Energy as a generating agent in the wholesale electricity market (MEM) through the signing of Resolution 122/2024. This authorization covers the company’s 15-megawatt Ingeniero Juárez photovoltaic park, located in the department of Matacos, in the province of Formosa.


The resolution authorizes the connection of the power plant to the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI) via the 33 kV Ingeniero Juárez – Chiriguanos medium voltage line, which falls under the jurisdiction of Recursos y Energía Formosa (REFSA).


Under this authorisation, the Wholesale Electricity Market Administration Company (CAMMESA) was instructed to charge MSU Green Energy for any additional costs incurred by other MEM agents and penalties payable by the Functional Transport (FTT) suppliers resulting from any possible unavailability caused by the new entry.

In February 2024, MSU Green Energy announced a 10-year power purchase agreement with Volkswagen Group Argentina. The agreement will supply power to the automaker’s Pacheco Industrial Center in Buenos Aires province from its Las Lomas and Pampa del Infierno solar parks.

MSU Green Energy is developing a long-term plan to install eight solar parks at a total investment of $350 million. The goal is to generate 400 MW of green energy.