
Kazakhstan and YTO Express collaborate on Central Asia’s largest e-commerce distribution center — Daryo News

Kazakhstan and YTO Express join forces to create largest e-commerce distribution center in Central Asia

Kazakhstan’s Minister of Trade and Integration, Arman Shakkaliev, and Yu Huijiao, CEO and founder of YTO Express, recently announced plans to establish one of the largest e-commerce distribution centers in Central Asia. The initiative aims to improve the efficiency of processing and delivering goods to the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Central Asia as a whole.

Photo: Minister Arman Shakkaliev and Yu Huijiao of YTO Express announce plans to increase logistics efficiency
Source: Ministry of Trade and Integration of Kazakhstan

The new distribution center will use advanced IT solutions to automate logistics processes and streamline customs procedures, ensuring efficient handling of international shipments. Discussions during the meeting focused on supporting mutually beneficial cooperation in e-commerce and related sectors.

Minister Shakkaliev highlighted the dynamic growth of e-commerce in Kazakhstan, indicating an annual expansion rate exceeding 20%. He emphasized Kazakhstan’s strategic geographic location and its aspiration to become a key transit hub for international e-commerce.

“The e-commerce market in China is a remarkable precedent, with over 70% of sales taking place online. Kazakhstan’s cooperation with Kazpost to establish this distribution center is a significant milestone in increasing cross-border trade,” Minister Shakkaliev said.

Photo: Discussion focuses on strengthening e-commerce cooperation across Eurasia
Source: Ministry of Trade and Integration of Kazakhstan

Yu Huijiao emphasized the uniqueness of the project in Central Asia, emphasizing its comprehensive coverage across the region. YTO Express. plans not only to expand this center in Kazakhstan, but also to establish five additional distribution centers around the world, including locations in the US, Brazil, Thailand, Budapest and Dubai.

“We started fruitful cooperation with Almaty Akimat last year. This long-term venture will strengthen productive ties between our countries. Our project covers Central Asia and beyond, enhancing global logistics capabilities,” Yu Huijiao noted.

Both sides expressed their willingness to accelerate the project, and Kazakhstan pledged continued cooperation. A joint action plan is expected to be signed soon, marking key progress in regional economic integration and international e-commerce.

The venture aims to strengthen economic partnerships and stimulate growth in international trade in Central Asia and beyond.

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