
Sandiaga calls for calm amid calls to boycott Bruno Mars’ Jakarta performance – Recipes

Minister of Economy and Creativity Sandiaga Uno has appealed to the public to remain calm amid growing calls to boycott an upcoming concert by American singer-songwriter Bruno Mars in Jakarta over his alleged support for Israel in the Gaza war.

Criticism of Mars was fueled by social media posts shared as evidence of the American musician’s support for the Israeli military campaign against the militant group Hamas, a conflict that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of civilians in the Palestinian exclave.

Sandiaga stressed Indonesia’s unwavering support for Palestinian independence. However, he added that the concert should be treated as a separate issue from the country’s continued standing on the international stage.

“We cannot allow personal or political views to influence our creative economy,” Sandiaga told reporters on Monday.

“We are a democratic country,” the minister continued, stressing the importance of maintaining Indonesia’s “free and active foreign policy.”

“Like Coldplay before us, we have given all the (necessary) explanations,” he added, referring to the British band’s concert in Jakarta in November 2023.

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Also read: Open Your Eyes: Coldplay to Play Concert for First Time in Indonesia