
Government-backed AI chatbot to explain changing IR regulations

cosboa ir changes small business budget Small Business Summit ai

COSBOA CEO Luke Achterstraat. Source: Supplied.

A new government-backed helpdesk promises to help small businesses navigate the complex industrial relations landscape while also offering an AI-powered chatbot to handle business queries.

Small Business Peak is a new digital project of the Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia (COSBOA) that launched last week.

The organisation’s main website offers free fact sheets, timelines and detailed explanations of changing industrial relations regulations.

It includes updates such as the minimum wage increase, which came into effect on 1 July, as well as changes to casual employment and the “right to disconnect from work”, which will come into effect from 26 August.

Other changes in the industrial relations landscape supported by Secure jobs, better pay AND Closing the gaps bills, are covered by Small Business Peak materials.

The information center will be updated to reflect future changes as they are introduced.

Luke Achterstraat, CEO of COSBOA, said it was crucial for small businesses to understand the changing conditions in industrial relations.

“Small businesses need to understand which IR changes apply to their business, when they will come into effect and how to ensure they meet their employer and business reporting obligations,” he said.

He added that these resources will “save time and make it easier” for traders to find the information they need.

AI Chatbot in the making

In addition to written fact sheets, Small Business Peak promises users access to an AI-powered chatbot that can answer basic questions about industrial relations reform.

The chatbot will be “trained” on documents specifying significant legal and regulatory changes.

“This means busy small business owners can get answers to their important questions quickly and that they can rely on,” Achterstraat said.

The chatbot is not live yet, but is expected to be launched next month after final testing is completed.

While users wait for access, the website states that the chatbot should only be used for general inquiries.

“Chatbot uses artificial intelligence to apply workplace regulations to small businesses across the broadest range of industry sectors,” the website states.

“For general guidance on changes in industrial relations, you can rely on the answers in this publication. However, if you require specific advice relating to your business situation, you should seek independent legal advice.”

The Small Business Peak website also directs users to the official websites of the Fair Work Ombudsman, Safe Work Australia, the Australian Taxation Office and others where they can get help with more specific queries.

Small Business Peak is part of a $60 million job action plan

The Small Business Peak initiative is supported by the Australian Department of Employment and Industrial Relations through the Productivity Education and Training Fund.

The fund, which has received $60 million in funding in 2024-25, is intended to help business groups and unions inform their members about significant changes to the law.

COSBOA is one of several major employer groups that manage to obtain funding in the form of grants.

This is not the first time COSBOA has received taxpayer funding to educate small businesses: its Cyber ​​Wardens program received $23.4 million in funding to help small and medium-sized businesses defend themselves against digital threats.

However, Small Business Peak is one of the first cases where an AI-powered chatbot will be used to demonstrate government-mandated regulatory changes.

AI functionality is already being used in the private sector to help small businesses understand their legal, tax and employment obligations, but it is still a new space in official government and government-supported communications.

COSBOA, for its part, believes that artificial intelligence can be used effectively and responsibly, and calls for the development of a national strategy to manage the risks and opportunities associated with this technology.

In a joint statement in October 2023 signed by business representatives and the Tech Council of Australia, COSBOA said the economy could suffer if a clear set of rules was not put in place.

“In the absence of national leadership, Australia will fall behind the world in seizing the economic opportunities presented by AI and will fail to equip its workers with the skills needed to use it in their jobs,” the report says.

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