
Never again will you have trouble with a gadget that lasts a “million miles”

A driving instructor has revealed the clever gadget he uses to make it harder for his car to stall and extend its life to “a million miles”.

Just one day in the garage and a good mechanic is enough for your engine clutch to become almost indestructible.

Driving instructor Richard Fanders shows how a simple pedal modification can help you ride betterSource: YouTube / Conquer Driving
He installed a clutch pedal with a center springSource: YouTube / Conquer Driving

Richard Fanders, owner of Conquer Driving school, shared this handy tip on his YouTube channel.

Richard explained that because he uses the car for teaching, it may experience more wear and tear than usual, especially when changing gears.

Engine stalling is every novice driver’s nightmare and over time can damage the vehicle’s gearbox. Even more experienced drivers are not immune to this error.

To remedy this, Richard revealed that he fitted a new clutch pedal fitted with an ‘over-centre’ spring.

This changes the amount of pressure the driver feels on the clutch pedal on either side of the clutch engagement point, making it easier to tell when the clutch is ready to disengage.

The spring works by acting on the pivot point of the pedal, causing it to lift when no pressure is applied.

When you press down on the pedal, it resists until it reaches about the point where the resistance pedal would normally be, then it folds into a recess, making the pedal noticeably lighter.

The clutch is much more forgiving as a result, making it much more difficult to stall the car.

Richard explained: “This makes the clutch pedal heavier at the top.

“This makes it easier to press the clutch to change gear.

A hidden feature that can change the engine from automatic to manual at the touch of a button-

“This clutch pedal has been in this training car for ten years and has covered over 208,000 miles.

“It’s used by people who are learning to drive… I would estimate that, per mile driven, it’s used five times more than a normal city car.

“That pedal has honestly done the equivalent of a million miles – I’m surprised it hasn’t turned to dust.”

Luckily you can buy a mid-spring on eBay for around £40 and have it fitted by your local garage.

The alternative is to buy a completely new pedal with an integrated pedal, but this will probably cost a little more.

And this time, it will probably be nothing compared to the savings you can make from the extra mileage your engine will get thanks to this ingenious device.

The spring makes it easier to find the clutch engagement pointSource: YouTube / Conquer Driving
He claimed that this allowed the car to last up to a million miles without wearing out.Source: YouTube / Conquer Driving