
Artificial intelligence speeds up software tasks

Generative AI (gen AI) tools can significantly increase the productivity of software product managers, especially for content-heavy tasks. Research by senior partner Chandra Gnanasambandam and coauthors found that when using gen AI programs, product managers can complete certain tasks, such as writing press releases and creating product backlogs, in 40 percent less time than without the tools. However, gen AI capabilities have less impact on content-light tasks, such as collecting and summarizing data for presentations, reducing the time spent on them by 15 percent.

Generative AI tools are particularly useful in increasing the productivity of product managers who perform content-intensive tasks.

Picture description:

Animated circle on two screens illustrates average project management task duration with and without generative AI (gen AI). The first screen shows a circle created from a timeline of 185 dots, representing 116 minutes spent on high-content tasks and 69 minutes spent on low-content tasks, as assessed by project managers without gen AI. The second screen shows the same circle, but part of the timeline is grayed out, leaving 129 dots, representing 70 minutes spent on high-content tasks and 59 minutes spent on low-content tasks, as assessed by project managers with gen AI. Gen AI reduced the duration of high-content tasks by ~40% and low-content tasks by ~15%. Source: McKinsey Generative AI and Product Management Study, 40 project managers in Canada, Europe, Latin America, and the US.

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To read the article, read “How Generative AI Can Speed ​​Software Products to Market,” May 31, 2024.