
First Look at Batman’s Arsenal

It looks like Ben Affleck is gearing up for Batman v Superman… as Batman’s impressive array of gadgets and weapons have finally been revealed.

Appearing on display at San Diego Comic Con, the rather impressive armored Batsuit makes its public debut. And it’s surrounded by all sorts of high-tech toys and weaponry.

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We got our first close-up look at the metal Batsuit… and I have to admit, it’s a lot cooler than I thought.

With glowing eyes and an armored exoskeleton that could rival Iron Man’s Mark I armor, Bruce Wayne has clearly invested a ton of money into researching and developing the best way to take down the average superhero.

What about the rest of Batman’s arsenal?

It looks like he’s bringing a ton of new gadgets to the fight against Superman. The impressive roster includes a variety of weapons, grenades, and well… some of them are hard to even name. So let’s take a look at what’s in store for the Man of Steel

Batman’s Batarangs

Yes, Batman fans, it looks like Ben Affleck will get to use Batman’s most classic gadget – the Batarang. First appearing in Detective Comic #31, the Batarang has become a staple of Batman’s arsenal, appearing in numerous comics, films, and even video games.

Thankfully, the rumors of brand new Batarangs seem to be true… and the design is clearly based on the new Batman logo, which is also embossed on the chest of the new Batsuit. It was highly likely that we would see these iconic weapons, but now it has finally been confirmed.

And let’s be honest – they look really amazing, don’t they?

Batman’s Rocket Launcher

Of course, Ben Affleck’s Batman has to really pack a punch if he’s going to take on a truly super-powered foe… and that apparently means using explosive weapons. Showcasing Batman’s own rocket launcher, it’s also on display alongside a number of sticky bombs and hand grenades.

It certainly looks like Batman doesn’t take his adversary lightly… and when you add in the all-new armored Batsuit, I can’t help but feel like the odds are starting to even out when it comes to Batman vs. Superman.

Tech Batman Hood

Well, that’s a bit of a mystery. Labeled only as the “Tech Cowl,” this odd-looking gadget looks like a technologically modified version of Batman’s iconic cowl. But what the heck would it be used for?

With optical lenses and numerous wires running down the back of its neck, I can’t help but think this could be an ultra-intuitive interface for one of Batman’s new vehicles. But will it be used by the Batmobile, the Bat-Jet, or a bit of both?

Either way, it’s a pretty cool idea… and looks menacing enough for the Dark Knight.

Batman’s Various Weapons

Alongside the more surprising gadgets and weapons are a number of items simply labeled “Bat Gadgets.” And if you think that’s a bit of a vague description, you’re right. But that’s about all we get for now.

Gadgets include dart-like objects (which I assume look a lot like tracking darts), as well as some weird-looking guns. Oh, and there’s even something that looks a lot like a very dark and sinister fire extinguisher.

Overall, it looks like Batman’s new gadgets will give him a chance to defeat Superman. But will he defeat his super-powered adversary? For now, we’ll have to wait and see.

“Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” hits theaters on March 25, 2016.

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Photo Source: THR, Slashfilm, Twitter