
Koru Receives Regulatory Approval in Japan for FreedomEdge Infusion Technology

Koru Medical FreedomEdge Infusion System
FreedomEdge Infusion System. (Photo from Koru Medical)

Koru Medical Systems (Nasdaq: KRMD) announced today that it has received regulatory approval in Japan for its FreedomEdge infusion system.

The services include the supply of a number of drugs, including CSL Behring’s Hizentra subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg), Takeda Pharmaceutical’s Cuvitru SCIg and Sobi’s paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria drug Aspaveli (PNH).

FreedomEdge offers convenient and efficient delivery of high-volume subcutaneous therapies at home and in the clinic. Koru said in a press release that it offers reliability, precision and a patient-friendly design. The company said its latest regulatory milestone “represents significant progress in patient care in Japan.”

You can read the full story on our sister site Drug Delivery Business News.