
Walnut Hills graduate creates device to monitor compost development

A local high school student’s science fair project turned into a nationally recognized innovation.

Angelina DiPaola, a recent Walnut Hills graduate, began experimenting with sensors and composting in eighth grade.

“I didn’t have a very successful science fair,” DiPaola said. “All the bins ended up smelling really bad and made my basement completely uninhabitable. But I came out of it thinking, ‘Oh, I could use sensors to help people start composting.’”

Since then, she’s developed a smart home composting system with her dad and sister. They call it Compai. The device tracks moisture levels and temperature in the compost—key indicators of its success.

“We can see how well our compost is doing based on the temperature,” DiPaola said. “I think it’s about 90 degrees outside on a normal summer day. Our compost gets to 120. So it’s really cooking things.”

This information is then turned into tips in the app.

“People can see suggestions, but they can also ask questions on the community forum,” DiPaola said. “It’ll be tied to people’s ZIP codes. So you won’t find someone in California who has completely different weather conditions, but you’ll find someone in your area who will be able to explain and help you with any composting issues you might have.”

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DiPaola hopes her invention will encourage more people to compost — something she has done since childhood.

“When I would go over to other people’s houses when I was a little girl to play or something, I would eat a banana peel after I had a snack and I’d say, ‘Where’s your compost?’” DiPaola said. “And they’d say, ‘Just throw it in the trash.’ That really hurt me because I knew there were so many benefits to composting.”

The Environmental Protection Agency calls composting “nature’s way of recycling.” Composting not only reduces the amount of food waste going to landfills, but it also creates nutrient-rich, fertile soil that can be used in gardens and yards.

DiPaola has been recognized by two national organizations for her compost monitoring device. In April, she was named one of 25 Prudential Emerging Visionaries and recently won the Taco Bell Foundation Ambition Accelerator award.

Locally, her technology is used by the Civic Garden Center and Gorman Heritage Farm.

DiPaola’s ultimate goal at Compai is to get a million families composting. He’s starting by selling 100 units.