
Men would rather get electrocuted than be alone and without any gadgets for 15 minutes

Bryan Bedder/Getty Images


This week at DLD, a technology conference in Munich, Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington continued her campaign to get us all to unplug, meditate, and get more sleep.

To illustrate how difficult it is for all of us to disconnect from the real world these days, Huffington offered a particularly crazy statistic.

She added that, according to university research, men, when given the choice between sitting in silence for 15 minutes or receiving an immediate electric shock, will choose the shock 67 percent of the time.

Women who are more sensible will still choose the electric shock 25% of the time.

This is crazy. The fact is that more people should spend 15 minutes a day in silent meditation. It’s a proven way to improve your ability to focus and increase your creativity.

In a post on Lifehacker, writer Belle Beth Cooper, citing several sources, argues that meditation also lowers anxiety and stress levels, increases compassion, improves memory, and actually helps the brain create “more gray matter,” which Cooper says “can lead to more positive emotions, more lasting emotional stability, and increased focus in daily life.”

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