
Therapists Could Soon Use AI to Reduce Workload : Tech : Tech Times

AI-assisted therapists could soon become a reality as new software vendors look to leverage this emerging technology to help mental health professionals reduce their tedious work.

Sources indicate that as the number of people, especially young people, experiencing mental health issues increases, AI tools for therapists are becoming increasingly popular. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and its accompanying epidemic of loneliness, therapists have been found to be overworked, and the mental health sector has seen a severe staff shortage, which has further limited access to treatment.

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that uses picture-based tasks to predict anxiety levels.
(Photo: MARCOS PIN/AFP via Getty Images)

The daily tasks of therapists include more than just conducting sessions. They also schedule, organize, and track their patients’ electronic health records (EHRs). According to several therapists who spoke with other sources, maintaining EHRs is one of the most challenging aspects of their jobs.

Many AI solutions for therapists aim to relieve overworked clinicians of administrative tasks, as do most AI applications for business and productivity. Several tools use AI to evaluate patient data and help therapists identify subtle differences in a patient’s progress or mental health.

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AI software for work in the healthcare office

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)-compliant AI notetakers can be useful. One such app is Upheal, which can be used on a mobile device or in a therapist’s browser to listen to in-person or virtual sessions via Zoom or other platforms.

Providers can choose from single or couples session templates, and Upheal will take notes of the session accordingly. Once the notes are reviewed and approved by the provider, they can be transferred to the therapist’s EHR platform.

Beyond basic prescribing, Upheal’s AI can recommend treatment strategies based on what it overhears and offers additional insights and data. The company claims on its website that it is HIPAA and GDPR compliant, among other health data standards.

AI speeds up the note-taking process, even though there are a few digital EHR services available, such as TherapyNotes. Upheal allows therapists to focus solely on their clients, without having to type and review notes after a session. It also helps neuroatypical therapists who may struggle with documentation.

AI against medical records

By comparison, Ontario, Canada, in April evaluated AI as an automated tool for transcribing and summarizing patient visits as the country sought to reduce the workload associated with medical documentation.

The pilot program involves implementing Scribe software using artificial intelligence, which will help shorten contacts with patients to electronic medical records with their consent.

According to sources, studies conducted in other countries show that AI-based software can save doctors up to 50% of their out-of-hours time that they would otherwise have to spend on filling out paperwork, allowing them to see more patients.

Ontario Medical Association (OMA) President Dr. Andrew Park has argued that primary care physicians are “burdened with unnecessary administration” that takes up more than 19 hours of their workweek, preventing them from seeing more patients and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. According to the OMA, about four hours are spent collecting government medical forms and writing sick notes.

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