
EU Competition Commission Chief Vestager to Announce Antitrust Decision on Thursday

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager will hold a news conference on Thursday to announce an antitrust decision that is likely to affect Gazprom (GAZP.MM).

The European Commission said in a statement that Vestager would hold a press conference, saying it would likely take place around 12:00 CET (10:00 GMT), on the antitrust decision, but did not specify the topic.

The Commission is expected to end a seven-year investigation into Gazprom after the Russian gas company agreed reforms aimed at lowering gas prices in eastern Europe and paving the way for rivals in the region.

Reuters was the first to report on April 3 on the deal between the EU competition watchdog and Gazprom, which supplies about a third of the EU’s gas and generates 9 percent of Russia’s gross domestic product.

(Report by Philip Blenkinsop)