
Excessive dependence on electric vehicles causes problems with the power grid


Excessive dependence on electric vehicles causes problems with the power grid

There are concerns that the use of electric vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector could threaten the U.S. power grid.

Scott Richman of the Renewable Fuels Association says power grids are already struggling, and demand from data centers used for artificial intelligence is growing.

“Add to that the increased demand for electric vehicles. The Southwest Research Institute estimates that electricity demand will increase by about 12 percent by 2035. That’s more than the additional electricity demand of the state of California.”

In his opinion, people pushing for mandatory use of electric vehicles are not practical.

“The imposition of demand on electricity will be (an issue), and also just adding transmission lines, the condition of the grid and where it is. That’s something that has to be taken into account as well.”

Richman tells Brownfield that a recent independent study found that if automakers rely primarily on electric vehicles to meet EPA emissions standards and 17 states adopt California’s “zero-emission vehicle” mandate, biofuel use would fall by 38 billion gallons and electricity use would increase by 480 terawatt-hours by 2035.