
Sustainable AI: What Tech Companies Need to Meet Net Zero Emissions Goals : Science : iTech Post

Tech companies have been working toward carbon neutrality for decades. In 2007, Google said it had achieved that goal and would continue to work toward it.

However, the rapid advancement of the AI ​​industry has imposed significant environmental costs on these companies. The energy required to power AI is enough to increase the carbon footprint in the atmosphere.

(Photo: Markus Spiske via Unsplash)

In 2024, reports revealed that Google’s carbon footprint increased by 50% in five years due to the AI ​​boom. Apart from Google, other leading AI companies are also struggling with the same problem.

As global awareness of climate change grows, tech giants are under enormous pressure. Google, Microsoft and Amazon are just some of the companies that have committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2030.

Achieving net-zero emissions is a difficult but potentially achievable goal for tech companies. Here are some actions they can take to achieve that goal:

Also read: Google’s carbon footprint is rising due to AI boom

Carbon offsetting, removal

Carbon offsetting is a common method used by large corporations to neutralize their overall emissions.

Google pledged $35 million in 2024 to remove carbon dioxide over the next 12 months, while Amazon launched the Right Now Climate Fund.

In addition, there are also carbon removal technologies that can be used to capture, store, and remove CO2 from the atmosphere. However, climate experts are still studying the pros and cons of this technology.

Transformation towards renewable energy sources

Switching to renewable energy sources is considered the most fundamental way to mitigate the effects of climate change. Sources such as wind, solar and hydropower are just waiting to be tapped.

Companies can also buy renewable energy credits to offset their emissions. Regardless, the idea of ​​powering AI data centers with renewable energy could promote energy efficiency.

AI Sustainability

AI companies should focus on creating more energy-efficient AI algorithms to prevent increasing carbon emissions. Existing models should be optimized to reduce the energy needed for training and inference.

They are also responsible for ensuring that their suppliers follow sustainable practices. For example, Apple double-checked its supply chain to achieve carbon neutrality.

Basic promotion of recycling and reuse of electrical components from plants can minimize waste and reduce the overall environmental impact. Actions should not focus solely on compensation, but rather on implementing policy changes.

Compliance, cooperation

Sustainable technology regulations should be strictly enforced. Companies competing in the AI ​​race should adhere to and promote sustainable practices.

Collective progress across businesses can have long-term impacts on individuals, allowing them to prioritize sustainability even in small actions.

Technology companies should also be willing to work with academic institutions and climate experts to fully understand the development of sustainable AI.

The path to net zero emissions is difficult as the AI ​​boom increases complexity. But if companies are committed to their commitments, it could be achievable.

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