
ManEVesto 2024: Electric Vehicle Charging Policy for New UK Government

UK election prompts calls for more productive EV charging policy Author: Julian Skidmore

The UK faces an uncertain future for electric vehicle (EV) charging policy ahead of a general election where potential changes to legislation could redefine the country’s approach to electric vehicles. Recent data suggests that EV sales have slowed not only in the UK but also in Western markets, raising concerns about the effectiveness of current incentives and infrastructure. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) has consistently highlighted the need for stronger incentives to accelerate the transition to EVs, advocating in particular for a reduction in VAT on public charging points. At the same time, initiatives such as The Fully Charged Show’s Stop Burning Stuff campaign, supported by figures such as Quentin Willson, are putting a focus on debunking EV myths and promoting fair charging practices through initiatives such as the Charging Charter and Fair Charge.

The development of electric vehicle regulations, mandates and standards in the UK is of great importance to other markets such as the US and Europe, as the UK often acts as a global trendsetter in environmental regulation. So whichever party becomes the new UK government, it needs a dedicated ManEVesto, including key policies to address current shortcomings and facilitate a smooth transition to electric vehicles that will strengthen the economy, improve access and inspire public confidence.

Below are the key elements of a more productive electric vehicle charging policy:

  1. Strategic investment in a nationwide network of electric vehicle charging stations with fast chargers that eliminate concerns about running out of energy while traveling on public roads.
  2. Co-financing the installation of electric vehicle charging points in homes and workplaces, which will ensure the convenience of charging at night and in the workplace, in order to increase the popularity of electric vehicles.
  3. Implementation of universal charging protocols and connectors to ensure interoperability and therefore seamless use of the device, regardless of the electric vehicle model or charging network.
  4. Introducing financial incentives such as lower electricity rates for charging electric vehicles, tax breaks for purchasing electric vehicles and reduced parking fees for electric vehicles to significantly increase the affordability and attractiveness of vehicles.
  5. Regulating electric vehicle charging prices to ensure fairness, transparency and competitiveness, thereby increasing consumer confidence in the charging infrastructure.
  6. Integrating EV charging infrastructure into public transport hubs to promote multiple transport options. This can also help reduce vehicle emissions.
  7. Focus resources on research and development of advanced electric vehicle charging technologies, such as wireless charging and battery swapping, to expand charging capacity, which will benefit electric vehicle users and contribute to the development of the country’s economy.

Payments and prices

The current landscape is a multitude of charging networks, each with proprietary applications, making it difficult for EV users to use multiple applications and payment systems. To address this, the UK government must propose the creation of a Universal EV Charging Payment (UVCP) application. This initiative aims to consolidate development costs across networks, ensuring consistency and availability, particularly in locations with poor network coverage. Specialist features can be integrated via plugins, directing charging sessions to the appropriate provider.

The BP Pulse app is just one of many available to electric vehicle users

In addition, extending the UVCP to the entire EU could leverage economies of scale, tapping into a potential customer base of 500 million people. This expansion not only strengthens ties with Europe, but also aligns with shared sustainability goals.

To ensure fair pricing, it is important to implement pricing regulations for public EV charging, given that we also regulate fossil fuel prices. This includes reducing VAT on public charging to 5%, as called for by Fair Charge and the SMMT. In addition, public charging costs should not exceed 60% of fossil fuel costs, reflecting the lower cost of wholesale and domestic electricity compared to traditional fuels.

Maintenance and customer service

Maintaining public charge points presents unique challenges compared to traditional petrol stations. Because most charge points are unattended, fault detection and response are more difficult. The rapid technological advances in the industry also pose challenges around software maintenance, compounded by non-intuitive user interfaces or manufacturing defects such as water ingress. The new UK government could ease the maintenance burden by making it easier for businesses and local authorities to access maintenance for electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). This approach contrasts with current punitive measures, such as high fines for minor faults, and aims to optimise resources and operational efficiency.

Then there’s customer service. The introduction of a national equivalent of the AA or RAC dedicated to EV chargers is a key aspect of any proposed EV charging policy. This centralised support network would streamline support for all EV users, minimising duplication of helplines and providing comprehensive 24/7 support. Helplines would be equipped with bespoke scripts to suit charger providers, improving efficiency and user satisfaction.


Around 40% of UK households (9.5 million) have no off-street parking, which is a significant barrier to EV adoption. Any available charging programme must address this imbalance through two key initiatives: on-street charging solutions and collective charging.

On-Street Residential Chargepoint Schemes under this programme would include the installation of charging infrastructure such as gutters, lamppost chargers and conventional on-street units. Initiatives such as Connected Kerb, which offers kerbside and hillside charging points, further strengthen these accessibility efforts.

In the case of apartment blocks and shared car parks, we need to encourage the installation of smart charging points. These initiatives not only speed up the easier management of the charging infrastructure, but also increase the attractiveness of the property and potentially generate additional revenue streams.

Connected curb
Connected Kerb chargers in Lambeth will provide 7kW fast charging, designed for everyday on-street charging where residents park their cars for a predictable period of time each day

Future perspectives

Innovative solutions such as energy/parking stations that connect parking lots to charging infrastructure and vehicle-to-grid capabilities should be explored. Although costly to implement, these stations offer benefits such as reduced parking congestion and increased energy resilience, which is consistent with sustainable urban planning goals.

Attention should also be paid to the second-user EV market, by facilitating fleet purchases and incentivizing fleet owners with programs such as Salary Sacrifice. Facilitating accelerated penetration of the second-user EV market would only aid broader adoption and economic growth.

More broadly, affordability remains key to the wider adoption of electric vehicles. Using mechanisms similar to affordable home ownership schemes would make electric vehicles more accessible to all income groups. This includes shared ownership models, loans and Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) options tailored to lower-income drivers and second-user vehicles.

Insurance is also an issue to consider. Current evidence suggests that electric vehicles are less likely to cause accidents and are more reliable than internal combustion engines, but insurance, especially for new drivers, remains expensive due to the immaturity of the market. To address this, providing incentives to support younger drivers—who studies have shown are more open to electric vehicles—would be a great way to encourage EV adoption.

The basis for sustainable development and growth

The idea is that ManEVesto will help lay the foundations for future sustainability and economic growth, not just in the UK but across the world. By prioritising infrastructure build-out, standardisation and affordability, the proposed policies could accelerate the transition to electric vehicles, which will support a cleaner, more sustainable transport sector globally. As the UK moves towards a net zero emissions future, robust electric vehicle policies such as those above are key to achieving both long-term environmental and economic goals.

About the Author: Julian Skidmore is an electric vehicle industry analyst at Versinetic