
Google and ENGIE sign five new cPPA agreements

Google’s Zero Carbon Ambitions

Google aims to achieve net zero emissions and run on carbon-free energy 24/7 by 2030.
To this end, ENGIE and Google have signed 5 new cPPAs with ENGIE. These agreements include:

  • Total production of four new grid-connected onshore wind farms developed by ENGIE in Belgium, with a combined capacity of 26 MW.
  • Eight-year extension of the cPPA for another 92 MW Belgian wind farm, already operational.

ENGIE leader in the PPA market

These new contracts reinforce ENGIE’s position as a leader in the PPA market. In 2023, ENGIE sold 2.4 GW of green electricity to industry and large energy consumers, becoming a leading developer of renewable energy projects for enterprises. Last year, ENGIE closed 34 contracts in six markets, being the only developer offering PPAs for solar, onshore wind and offshore technologies.

In Belgium, ENGIE plans to accelerate its renewable energy deployment to reach 2.5 GW by 2030. It also intends to leverage its unrivaled potential as a global midstreamer to deliver low-carbon energy to its customers.

With this strategic partnership, Google and ENGIE are taking a further step towards a sustainable energy future by supporting the development of renewable energy sources in Belgium and beyond.