
Apple Declares This iPhone Obsolete, But Don’t Even Think About Throwing It Away: 13 Cool Uses You Can Still Give It To

A minute of silence for the already legendary 10th Anniversary of iPhonethe one that was released in 2017 to celebrate the tenth anniversary since Steve Jobs introduced the original iPhone. It’s now been 17 years since that moment, and seven since the commemorative model. Yes, we’re talking about the iPhone X.

This “tenth” iPhone (not “x” or “tenth”) was revolutionary in design to the point that it changed the way people use the device. It was discontinued just a year later when its successor (the iPhone XS) came out, and has since been deemed “vintage” or “obsolete” by Apple. However, it’s still a long way from fully encompassing that term.

Why Apple Considers iPhone X Obsolete and What That Means

Apple is very clear about its policy regarding vintage products. It basically declares the devices for which it is They no longer offer repair services using original parts.This happens when the device has been on the market for more than five years.

At this point, and usually the device is no longer updated with new software, the company offers the possibility of safe recycling. Of course, this is not mandatory. Anyone can repair the device as they wish, themselves or in an unauthorized repair center, but it will always be without original parts and without Apple’s warranty.

iPhones purchased from January 1, 2022 will be covered by at least ten years of repair support

Indeed, There are exceptions to this rule and Spain is one of them.. Since 2022, a law has been in force in our country that requires manufacturers to extend the repair period to a minimum of ten years. However, it only applies to terminals sold from January 1, 2022, so it does not apply to the iPhone X, which was withdrawn from sale at the end of 2018.

So no. You will no longer be able to repair the iPhone X with genuine parts. It will also not have full software updates, as iOS 16 was the last one, and iOS 17 has not arrived, nor will it receive future ones, like the already announced iOS 18. It can still receive security patches, however.

Reasons why we think the iPhone X isn’t outdated at all

It’s one thing that Apple has declared the iPhone X obsolete, but it’s another thing that it is actually obsolete. If you have this model, you don’t have to worry because it doesn’t mean that it will suddenly stop working. In fact You can continue to use it normally as usual.

  • Apps: It’s clear that there will be some redundancies for some apps that will stop supporting older versions of iOS over the years. However, the most popular ones will continue to be around for a long time, with WhatsApp being a prime example, which typically offers support for at least a decade and currently offers it on iPhones running iOS 12, with no changes expected in the short term, so you can still have at least two or three years to enjoy it on your iPhone X.
  • Games: While some newer games may require the latest versions of iOS, as is the case with apps, most popular games will still be compatible with iPhone X. Titles like “Candy Crush,” “Clash of Clans,” and many others will still be available and will work without any issues.
  • Photos: Neither the wide angle nor other recent iPhone photography advances are available on this model, but they are still excellent devices for taking high-quality photos and even videos. In fact, it was already one of the best camera phones of its time, and despite the obvious differences, overall it still offers a lot of quality.
  • Communication: Of course, the iPhone X is a phone, and it goes without saying that it still has the basic calling and texting features, as well as apps like the aforementioned WhatsApp. Social networks are no exception, and with this model, you won’t be cut off from the world.
  • Listen to music: You won’t get the latest Apple Music interface improvements, but you can still subscribe to it, Spotify, Tidal, and more without any problems. All you need is a pair of headphones (wired or Bluetooth).
  • Navigation and GPS: iPhone X is still a very capable GPS navigation device. Apps like Google Maps, Apple Maps, and Waze still work great, giving you accurate driving, biking, and even walking directions, as well as real-time traffic information.
  • Battery: Although the battery capacity may have decreased over time, the iPhone X can still provide a decent battery life for everyday use. If it is already worn out, you can replace it with another one at a technical service and although it is not an original part, it may also be of good quality and provide more hours of autonomy.
  • Web navigation: Safari remains a fast and efficient browsing tool on iPhone X, as it is in other browsers. You can access most websites without any problems, to read news or just have fun.
  • Emails and Productivity: Email apps like Gmail, Outlook, and Apple’s native Mail app, as well as other productivity apps like Trello and the Google Docs suite.
  • Entertainment: Streaming platforms like Apple TV+, Netflix, Disney+, and even YouTube remain fully accessible, allowing you to watch TV shows, movies, and other video content.
  • Intelligent device control: iPhone X can still be the focal point of your smart devices, whether they’re compatible with Siri via HomeKit or even Google Assistant and Alexa via their respective apps.
  • Health and sports: Regardless of whether it will be a native device or a third-party one, iPhone X will still be our ally in recording our sports activity (especially if we have an Apple Watch connected to it), as well as in monitoring our health parameters.
  • Payments: Apple Pay is still compatible with this device, so you can continue to make secure payments both in online stores that accept this payment method and in brick-and-mortar locations.

I will also tell you that you will still receive some updates. They won’t be major releases, but they will be security patches like those we’ve seen in recent months. We’ve found that even devices as old as the iPhone 5s (released in 2013) still have security patches, so it’s safe to say that the iPhone X will still have them when it needs them.

Cover image | Essow K on Pexels