
Google Chrome will automatically revoke permissions to access websites on Android devices

JAKARTA As the world’s most popular browser, Google continues to improve security in Chrome apps. In the near future, Google will roll out the latest security features. Based on the findings regarding Leopeva account on platform X, reported by Android Police, this security feature will automatically remove permissions from websites that are rarely visited. This feature is available in Chrome Canary version. In fact, this security feature is already available in Chrome for desktop computers, but it is only available in mobile apps. This feature is very important and is needed by all Chrome users to keep their account safe. Many things can happen on websites that you are not aware of. Some cybercriminals can inject malware into websites or even infiltrate the permissions you have granted without you realizing it. Although you rarely or even grant permissions to various websites that you visit, this feature will improve the protection of your device. The security of your Google account will be improved with the presence of this feature.

For now, the ability to automatically remove site permissions is still experimental or in testing. There’s no word yet on when this feature will be rolled out to the public, but it will definitely be added to Chrome for Android. If you want to use this feature faster, you can use Chrome in beta. However, if you’re willing to wait, this feature is expected to be available in Chrome 128, which will be released in August.

Tag: chrome google android