
Regula Forensic Studio updates improve forensic accuracy

Regula has released a significant update to its operating software, Regula Forensic Studio. This major overhaul enhances the functionality of forensic devices, improves usability, streamlines operations, and enables more accurate document examination.

Regula Forensic Studio

Compatible with Regula’s latest advanced forensic devices, including the flagship Regula 4308 dual-video spectral comparator, Regula Forensic Studio software simplifies the manual examination of handwritten texts, banknotes, travel and identity documents, collectibles and more. Supplied bundled with forensic devices and available out of the box, Regula Forensic Studio can support all Regula devices in the forensic lab, providing a seamless user experience and enabling a wide range of examinations.

New features and improvements in Regula Forensic Studio significantly improve user comfort, as well as the convenience, speed and accuracy of forensic examinations.

Key improvements in testing speed and precision include:

New cross-platform architecture which significantly improves document processing and reporting and ensures full compatibility with all popular operating systems such as Windows, Linux and macOS.

The ability to create predefined scenarios (macros) for repetitive taskswhich enables automation of the verification process for certain types of documents. For example, if an expert needs to verify a batch of banknotes, he can automatically record the inspection sequence (including all lighting and filtering techniques) for one banknote and automatically repeat it for the rest of the batch. This feature not only streamlines the entire process, but also eliminates human errors.

Fully automated identity verification in a matter of seconds thanks to seamless integration with the Regula Document Reader SDK, which immediately recognizes the document type and verifies all data from document readers, RFID chips, barcodes and performs available security checks.

Improved integration with the Information Reference System (IRS)which makes it easier to compare the document being examined with its reference image from the database. Thanks to real-time synchronization between the RFS and the Information Reference System, the active light source of the device is switched to that used in the reference sample and vice versa. This leads to faster and more efficient examinations.

Automatic measurement of the banknote’s residual areaa new feature that was added in response to customer needs. It uses IRS Regula banknote references to automatically measure the undamaged area of ​​the banknote and determine whether it can be accepted by the bank.

Key usability improvements include:

  • New, intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Multi-display support allows users to drag and drop app tabs between monitors, which is especially convenient when working with multiple images.
  • Color Image Overlay – A new feature that highlights different elements of two images for easier comparison.
  • Pseudo-color visualization – A feature that replaces light colors with alternate colors to highlight areas of the same color (e.g. indistinguishable shades of gray) for better visualization.
  • Automatic detection of the Machine Identification Code (MIC), a new feature that detects the unique pattern of yellow dots that color laser printers and copiers leave on sheets of paper. This helps identify the source of printed documents.

“In the crowded field of identity verification, Regula stands out for its continuous improvement, as well as for adopting a customer-centric approach at the heart of our research and development. The updated Regula Forensic Studio software is noticeably faster and more efficient. It reflects feedback from external forensic experts and our customers, and includes features designed to support specific use cases and streamline operations. This user-centric approach helps us enhance the functionality of our solutions and meet the evolving needs of our customers in the most efficient way,” says Ihar Kliashchou, CTO at Regula.