

LJLA Fellows explored India’s economic success as part of their continuing international policy journey. Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy (LJLA) Fellows deepened their understanding of the country’s journey in economic scaling, foreign policy, urban development, and implementation strategies.

On the second day, the fellows commenced their activities with a visit to the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi, where the fellows gained knowledge on India’s economic strategies and mechanisms for scaling up the country.

The Fellows were welcomed by RIS Director General Professor Sachin Chaturvedi, who gave them a detailed overview of India’s economic policies and the country’s strategic approach to economic development, focusing on effective policies that have fostered growth and stability.

Chaturvedi discussed key areas such as infrastructure development, digital transformation and inclusive growth, imparting valuable lessons to the fellows on how these strategies can be implemented in Nigeria.

Following the session on economic policy, the fellows had an opportunity to meet with Secretary (Policy, Planning and Research), Ministry of External Affairs, S. Raghuram IFS, who discussed India’s success stories in the areas of foreign policy, democracy and governance.

To gain a better understanding of urban planning and the importance of reliable public transport in the development of metropolitan areas, the fellows concluded their day with a visit to a Delhi Metro station where they were able to witness first-hand the efficiency and effectiveness of the Delhi Metro system.

The Lagos State Services Department Head, Bode Agoro, who led the delegation, explained that LJLA is committed to nurturing young change-minded leaders by providing them with the opportunity to learn from global best practices.

“This political trip is expected to play a key role in shaping their perspectives and strategies as they prepare to implement similar innovative initiatives in Lagos and across Nigeria,” he added.