
Downey joins NHC as executive director: Housing Digital

Northern Housing Consortium (NHC) has appointed Andrea Downey as its new Executive Director of Operations and Finance.

She will also play a key role in leading NHC’s procurement arm, the Procurement Consortium, which provides compliant services to 400 members across the country.

Downey has more than 25 years of experience in the public and private sectors, including roles in Network Rail and the NHS, as well as in publishing and media.

Tracy Harrison, NHC Chief Executive, said: “Andrea will play a key role in ensuring we achieve the best possible value for members and maximise our resources across the organisation. Andrea’s expertise will be a real added benefit to our members as we work together to influence policy and make a difference to people’s lives.”

In addition to her previous roles in the UK, Andrea spent five years working abroad, where she had the opportunity to experience different cultures and working practices. She also acted as a consultant, advising small and medium-sized businesses on finance and change management.

Downey said: “I was drawn to the Northern Housing Consortium because of its very clear ethos of making a positive impact. The organisation’s focus on equalising opportunities in the north through improving social housing is close to my heart; I grew up in a council house and it was a positive experience, and I would like others to think the same.”

Main photo: Andrea Downey, Executive Director of Operations and Finance, Northern Housing Consortium

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