
Bulgaria’s Sinvexa seeks antitrust approval to buy Paraflow Communications | Bulgarian deals news

As the Competition Commission (CPC) said in a statement earlier this week, without disclosing details of the transaction, the announced transaction is expected to have an impact on the domestic market for ICT services, including the provision, maintenance and management of integrated IT solutions.

Interested third parties can submit comments on the transaction until July 8, the CPC added.

Founded in 2023, Sinvexa specializes in products, solutions and services that increase the efficiency, productivity, security and reliability of IT infrastructure. The company offers comprehensive services for information systems, including consulting, research, analysis, design, planning, implementation, training, operation, optimization, maintenance and renewal.

Founded in 1995 and headquartered in Sofia, Paraflow Communications pursues projects in corporate data networks, business management and analysis systems, cloud technologies and information security, according to its website. Its market segments include finance, industry, trade, education, healthcare, public administration, public services, telecommunications and energy.