
High-energy particle impact simulation technique for new semiconductor devices – SatNews

To evaluate the effectiveness of new semiconductor devices for radiation-resistant applications. Sandia used Chromacity 1280 Ultra-Fast Laser as part of their system for simulating radiation-induced events in logic circuits. High-energy particles are known to cause permanent or transient effects in semiconductor devices. The latest failure in NASA Voyager 1 a spacecraft whose memory was corrupted, probably by a high-energy particle impact.

Semiconductor devices are becoming increasingly susceptible to damage from high-energy particles. Space electronics have always been susceptible, and engineers are developing a range of countermeasures to mitigate the problems caused by these high-energy events. Semiconductor devices are rapidly adopting process technologies with smaller feature sizes, which exacerbates the problem and potentially opens up the possibility of damage to devices used in terrestrial applications.

Chromacity 1280 has a central wavelength of 1280 nm and can deliver sub-250 fs pulses at a repetition rate of 100 MHz. It is part of a family of fixed-wavelength femtosecond lasers that utilize the company’s patented hybrid free-space and fiber architecture, delivering class-leading performance in a compact and rugged form factor.