
How ScaleOps Brings the Israeli Approach to European Businesses

English: סיטק כנס מקומי-קום רוז פנחסי – CTech Mekomi-com Rose Penhasi

(Writings: Jeremy Berry)

“We are partners with HubSpot and Salesforce in Israel, so we are essentially outsourcing and bringing in CRM experts,” explains Rose Penhasi, CEO of ScaleOps. “We are a team of 15 people that started a few years ago. We have already grown a lot and we want to expand into more tools and applications.”

Penhasi joined CTech to discuss ScaleOps, a company that provides services in sales operations and revenue operations. It handles the marketing side, sales, customer support and more. ScaleOps works with a variety of industries in Israel, mainly technology, cyber, healthcare and agritech companies. It has worked with 400 companies in the past four years and aims to expand its services to Europe.

“It’s really interesting because we’re not like a technology company, we’re a service,” she continued. “But we feel like a technology company: we work very fast, we adapt to learn quickly and adapt to change… we’ve worked with several European companies and we can bring the fast, flexible and agile approach that we see here in Israel.”

You can watch the entire exchange in the video above.