
Workplace Justice Workers’ Visa Regulations 2024

From 1 July 2024, the Australian Government has enacted the Migration Amendment (Workplace Justice Visa) Regulations 2024. The purpose of these regulations is to address and reduce workplace exploitation and ensure the fair treatment of temporary migrants in Australia.

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Justice in the workplace InVisa allows temporary migrants who have experienced workplace exploitation to remain in Australia for 6 to 12 months, with the possibility of extending it for up to 4 years. This visa supports people who have experienced exploitation by allowing them to work while they engage in activities aimed at seeking justice, such as participating in legal proceedings or making complaints about workplace exploitation.

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Applicants must obtain certification from a designated government person, agency, or entity confirming their experience with workplace abuse. This certification is necessary for the application process and ensures the validity of claims. For detailed information on certification requirements, please refer to The Migration (Workplace Visas) Amendment Regulations 2024

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The Workplace Justice Visa highlights the importance of protecting the rights of migrant workers. It reinforces the Australian Government’s commitment to human rights and fair labour practices. Employers must comply with employment laws and maintain ethical standards to avoid legal repercussions.

For more information or to discuss how these changes may impact you and your business, please contact our team of experts at [email protected] to schedule an online consultation.