
Chinese investments in Tajikistan’s energy sector exceed $5 billion

China has so far invested more than $5.3 billion in Tajikistan’s economy, News.Az reports, citing the Tajik Ministry of Energy and Water Resources.

According to the ministry, the Export-Import Bank of China has provided $880 million in preferential loans to support PRC-funded projects, including the TPP-2 power plant in Dushanbe, a 500 kW electric substation in Dushanbe, the 500 kW Dushanbe-500 and Sughd-500 substations, a 500 kW south-north transmission line (263.8 km), the Rogun line (263.8 km), the Rogun-Dushanbe line (198 km), 220 kW substations in Lolazor, Khatlon, Aini, Shakhriston and Shahrinav, and 220 kW transmission lines from Lolazor to Khatlon and from Khujand to Aini.

Tajikistan’s energy sector also benefited from direct investment from Chinese companies amounting to $197 million.
The following companies are currently participating in the implementation of investment projects in the country as contractors and equipment suppliers: the leading design and construction company Power Construction Corporation of China Limited (Power China), the electrical and photovoltaic company TBEA Company Limited, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world Huawei, the energy company Sinohydro International Engineering, the manufacturer of transformer equipment Pinggao Group Co Ltd and one of the largest electronics manufacturers Shenzhen Kaifa Technology.
