
Transport Ministry finalises bus driver card regulations, says Loke

PutrajayaMinister Anthony Loke said the Ministry of Transport was currently in the process of finalising regulations for the issuing of bus driver cards.

“Actually, this issue was brought to our attention a month ago and we approved the issuance of bus driver cards, subject to the refinement of certain regulations,” he told reporters after a meeting of the National Shipping and Ports Council today.

Earlier this year, Malaysian Bus Operators Association president Datuk Mohamad Ashfar Ali said the accreditation cards could enable bus drivers and operators to be held accountable in case of complaints or incidents.

He added that driver accreditation cards will help reduce the number of drivers without a driving license or with inexperience on the roads.

In connection with the Road Transport Department’s (DPT) integrated operation against tourist buses across the country launched on Tuesday, Loke said 351 tourist buses have been checked till yesterday.

Six drivers were stopped and their driving licenses were taken away on suspicion of taking prohibited substances because they failed urine tests. In four cases, the drivers did not have a driving license.

“We take this data seriously because there are drivers who not only do not have a driving license but are also involved in drug use,” he said.

Meanwhile, asked about the Auditor General’s (LKAN) 2024 Series 2 report which found that Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) had failed to meet its passenger numbers targets, he said the weaknesses were being addressed.

“In terms of passenger numbers and frequency, all these issues have been raised from time to time, and not just because of the Auditor General’s report.

“We have already implemented a key performance indicator (KPI) system for Prasarana Malaysia Berhad (Prasarana),” he said.