
Dynamic agreement between DSB and European Energy for new solar park

Danish State Railways (DSB) and European Energy have signed an agreement to build a solar park at the Rødby harbour in Lolland. The project, which is scheduled for completion after the summer holidays, aims to generate 262 GWh per year, which is equivalent to the electricity consumption of 65,000 households. DSB has signed an agreement to purchase 80 GWh, covering 50% of the current electricity consumption of the Copenhagen S-Bahn network. The agreement accelerates Denmark’s energy transformation, with the ultimate goal of achieving energy independence.

Production and consumption goals

The agreement will enable DSB to reduce its dependence on traditional energy sources by integrating more renewable energy sources into its energy mix, with technical input from European Energy. Construction of the park will begin after the summer, with commissioning scheduled for 2025. Once operational, the solar park will stabilise energy costs and provide a reliable supply for DSB’s rail operations.
In addition, this strategic investment will help DSB secure its future energy needs in the face of fluctuating international energy prices. By choosing a renewable energy source, DSB also reduces its risk of carbon regulations and future environmental taxes.

Expanding energy capacity

Jens-Peter Zink, Deputy Director of European Energy, stressed the importance of increasing green energy capacity to cope with increasing electrification. The 253-hectare Lidsø Solar Park will become one of the largest solar parks in Denmark. The land, leased for 30 years, guarantees stable long-term production and contributes to the energy security of the region.
Lolland Solar Park is also part of a wider regional development strategy. The long-term land lease supports local landowners and provides additional economic opportunities for the region, while helping to diversify the local economy.

Economic and strategic impact

This solar park project represents an important strategic investment for DSB and European Energy. By diversifying energy sources and increasing renewable energy production, both entities are strengthening their position in the energy market. This cooperation also enables us to meet DSB’s growing energy needs while optimizing operating costs.
At the same time, the partnership with European Energy enables DSB to benefit from the company’s technical expertise and experience in the field of renewable energy sources. This translates into more efficient implementation and optimized project management, reducing financial and operational risks.

Future prospects and sustainable development

In the long term, this project could serve as a model for other similar initiatives in the transport sector and beyond. The collaboration between DSB and European Energy shows how strategic partnerships can accelerate renewable energy projects while delivering tangible economic benefits to the stakeholders involved.
By investing in renewable infrastructure, DSB and European Energy are not only supporting their own sustainability goals, but are also contributing to increasing Denmark’s green energy production capacity. This can attract new investment to the region and strengthen the country’s position as a leader in renewable energy in Europe.
The agreement between DSB and European Energy to build the Lidsø Solar Park is an important step in Denmark’s energy strategy. It illustrates how partnerships between major companies can lead to significant progress in renewable energy while also bringing significant economic and strategic benefits.