
Dodge RAM registrations surge in Europe, prompting calls for regulatory action

Dodge RAM pick-up registrations in Europe rose by 20% last year, according to new data analysed by Transport & Environment (T&E).

In response, a coalition of consumer, safety and environmental organisations, including T&E, called on the European Commission to close the legal loophole that allows these highly polluting and dangerous vehicles to continue on European roads.

Data from the European Environment Agency reveals that almost 5,000 Dodge RAM cars were imported into Europe in 2023, an increase of 20% compared to 2022. This brings the total number of Dodge RAM cars on European roads to at least 20,000.

The EU enforces strict vehicle standards to increase road safety and reduce emissions. However, the Dodge RAM and other American pickups bypass these regulations thanks to a legal loophole known as “Individual Vehicle Approval” (IVA). Originally intended for one-off customized or specialized vehicles, such as those for people with mobility disabilities or emergency services, the IVA system is now used to import large numbers of American pickups.

These imported vehicles do not have to meet the EU General Safety Regulation (GSR) 2019, air pollution road tests or EU CO2 standards for cars and vans. Dodge RAM cars have CO2 emissions ranging from 300g to 900g per kilometre, which is significantly higher than the average for new cars sold. In addition, safety features that are mandatory for all new cars and vans sold from 7 July 2024 are not required on Dodge RAM cars and other imported IVA vehicles.

James Nix, T&E’s vehicle manager, said: “Pick-ups like the Dodge RAM have no place on European streets. Not only are they hugely polluting, they are also deadly dangerous. We need to reduce the number of cars on our roads, not give free rein to the biggest and most dangerous. The EU needs to close the loophole that allows these monsters onto our streets.”

Statistics show that in a collision, a pick-up truck is almost three times more likely to kill a pedestrian or cyclist than a regular car. The high bonnets of pick-up trucks further increase the risk for children, women and the elderly.

A coalition of organisations, including T&E, the European Transport Safety Council, the European Cyclists’ Federation, consumer federation BEUC, Clean Cities, Eurocities, POLIS and the International Pedestrian Federation, is calling on the EU to close the loophole. They say it was never intended to be a channel for large-scale imports, bypassing air quality, climate and safety regulations.

The coalition highlights the EU’s inaction compared to the actions taken by progressive cities such as Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Koblenz and Tübingen, which have introduced differentiated parking fees based on vehicle weight or size.

The article “Dodge RAM registrations surge in Europe, calling for regulatory action” was originally created and published by Motor Finance Online, a GlobalData brand.

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