
US gives key approval for Atlantic Shores offshore wind farm in New Jersey

ATLANTIC CITY — The U.S. Department of the Interior on Tuesday approved a proposal to build the Atlantic Shores offshore wind farm in New Jersey, a significant boost for what would be the first of its kind in the state.

Before the project can begin, it still needs additional federal planning and operations approval, as well as two state permits.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said the department’s decision marks the ninth offshore wind project approved by the Biden administration, greenlighting 13 gigawatts of electricity, enough to power 5 million homes.

“The Biden-Harris Administration is building momentum every day for our clean energy future, and today’s milestone is another step toward our ambitious goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore power by 2030,” she said in a statement. “Our clean energy future is now a reality. We are addressing climate change, supporting job growth, and promoting equal economic opportunity for all communities.”

The two-phase project would be built between Atlantic City and Long Beach Island in southern New Jersey. It would generate 2,800 megawatts, enough to power 1 million homes.

“This milestone brings us one step closer to delivering the first offshore wind projects in New Jersey and achieving the state’s ambitious goal of 100 percent clean energy by 2035,” Atlantic Shores CEO Joris Veldhoven said in a statement. “We recognize the significance of this milestone and are excited to work with our supply chain partners to continue making near-term investments and creating great-paying union jobs.”

Offshore wind opponents are well-organized and vocal in New Jersey, and one of several groups opposing the plan, Protect Our Coast-NJ, said the federal and state governments are “rushing forward like a bull in a china shop, harming overburdened communities and our amazing ocean with unwanted industrial projects.”

“The construction and operation of offshore wind farms disrupts wildlife and ecosystems, and threatens the livelihoods of commercial fishermen and small businesses across the eastern seaboard,” the group said in a statement.

Atlantic Shores, which received preliminary approval in 2021 from New Jersey utility regulators, has come almost as far as a previously approved project that would have been New Jersey’s first offshore wind farm. Danish wind developer Orsted came close to breaking ground on two offshore wind farms but abandoned the project in October 2023, deciding it would not be economical.

Many of the state’s major environmental groups issued statements praising the Atlantic Shores decision, saying it proves that offshore wind has regained popularity in New Jersey following the failure of the Ørsted case.

“The Biden administration’s approval of the Atlantic Shores project is good for our climate, our public health, our workers and our pocketbooks,” said Anjuli Busot-Ramos, executive director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We are proud to see New Jersey transitioning to renewable energy and offshore wind development and away from dirty fossil fuels.”

Doug O’Malley, director of Environment New Jersey, added, “With a historic heat wave looming, there is no better week for the federal government to greenlight the Atlantic Shores offshore wind project. Every year we don’t have offshore wind power feeding our electric grid is another year we are overly dependent on fossil fuels to power our electric grid.”

The Interior Department has said the project will be about 8.7 miles from shore at its closest point. However, the company has previously said it would not build up to that line and that the nearest turbines would be at least 12.8 miles from shore.

Atlantic Shores is a joint venture of Shell New Energies US LLC and EDF-RE Offshore Development LLC.

The Department of the Interior has approved the construction of 195 wind turbines for the project, and the company has applied for permission to build up to 200 turbines.

(Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission)

Wind Farm Projects Proposed for New Jersey Coast — and What They Might Look Like

Here are the wind projects approved and planned for the ocean off the coast of New Jersey and New York. While the projects have the support of officials who say they will boost the local economy and create renewable energy to power millions of homes, many coastal residents have raised concerns about the projects’ impact on tourism and the environment.

The gallery includes competing photo simulations — one submitted to the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and one recently commissioned by a group opposing the wind farm.

Gallery Source: New Jersey 101.5