
New Policy Brief Series Explores Post-Disaster Housing Solutions

The worst weather disaster in Brazil’s historywhich took place recently in Rio Grande do Sulhe already has more than 630,000 people were displacedmany of whom are still living in shelters, according to the state’s civil defense organization. To identify and discuss solutions for rental assistance programs as a temporary measure after a disaster, the housing policy team in FGV Citiespart of the Getulio Vargas Foundation School of Business Administration in Sao Paulo (FGV EAESP) launches a series of policy reports entitled “Responses to the housing situation”.

The first in a series of policy briefs is devoted to characterizing rental assistance programs across the country and their use in different scenarios, including disasters. “It is important to emphasize that this public policy response is not limited to disaster situations. State and city governments provide this benefit for different reasons, helping different types of beneficiaries,” the researchers emphasize.

The second policy summary will provide an overview of the programmes, focusing on State of Sao Paulo and in particular Greater Sao Paulo ABC RegionThe third one will discuss regulations governing these programs in the Porto Alegre region, with an analysis of the potential of this solution to cope with disasters.

Political Notes

Policy memos are research-based documents that aim to contribute to the public policy debate by presenting solutions to problems that are critical to managers’ decision-making.

To access the first edition of the Housing Responses series, click here.